Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Social Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Social Internet - Essay Example Probably the most established foundation that we have utilized as a position of get-together and collaboration has been the congregation. While church enrollment has fallen marginally as of late, the Internet has been a recovery for strict associations. Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville SC downloaded 80,000 Internet lessons a year ago from their webpage (Hills, 2003). Huge numbers of these surfers would likely have never walked inside a congregation. As per The Barna Group, by 2010 upwards of 50 million Americans will depend on the Internet as their sole strict contact (as refered to in Hills, 2003). Despite the fact that the Internet has the ability to push more individuals toward religion, it is plainly moving them away from the congregation and away from the social setting that was significant for discussion and neighborhood news in earlier decades. Similarly as the Internet can convey religion to the individuals, it additionally has the ability to convey individuals to governmental issues. Political commitments, discussion, and association have taken off lately. The Internet has made tremendous amounts of data immediately accessible for any individual who thinks about it and can possibly make another type of electronic popular government. However, with this data accessible, it is as yet occupant upon the client to search it out, read it, and summary it. Polat (2005) recommends that we are experiencing data over-burden and says we [...] may get reliant on others to assess the accessible data (p. 438).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Issue Of Reflection Education Essay

Examination as characterized by the Oxford English vocabulary ( 1993 ) implies ‘idea beginning in the head ‘ and head implies ‘seat of cognizance, thought, will, and encountering ‘ . It appears to be in this manner that examination, in an each twenty-four hours term is tied in with accepting that includes will and feeling, in this way thought is extremely close to home as we are in solitude people. Along these lines, if thought is accepting for what reason are we being surveyed on it, and how might it be evaluated as surely we as a whole suspect something. Are agonizing model hypothetical records, a help to help me accept or a help to help the assessor ‘s buttockss me? Am I being skeptical or is negativity exact perception? Have we cover how to accept? It is safe to say that we are populating during a time where the step of life is quick to the point that individuals do n't hold clasp to accept any more? Is that why thought is presently being joined into course of studies or is it to uplift obtaining and the shaping of develops and associations? Is it to do me gain what my ain considerations are, and which are individual else ‘s? Or on the other hand is it as King and Kitchener ( 1994 refered to Moon 2001, p.8 ) propose to debate my obtaining and along these lines better my subjective capacity? From the outset I believed that examination was a confounded issue, yet so I discovered that it was about idea. At the point when I first got this task I ‘thought ‘ that I would genuinely relax it, as I would have the option to be originative yet while reflecting during the activity of roll uping my portfolio, and inquiring about for my agonizing paper, I have gotten angry, non on the grounds that I am safe to adjust but since I feel that it is meddlesome and a little disparaging to give me individual else ‘s hypothetical record or equation of how to accept. It appears that Moon ( 2001, p.16 ) would hold with me as she proposes Are students advised to reflect when truly they will just follow a recipe ( for example set requests ; thorough connection to the Kolb beat ( Kolb, 1984 ) ? Cause students to have their considerations as children own their show? From my own experience I would entreat to vary as when I utilized the agonizing hypothetical record of Price ( 2002 ) to consider my unit An assignments I thought that it was covering and ended up over-blowing up my convictions of isolation with the goal that I would hold something to make about in that part of the model. Bolton ( 1998 ) would recommend that my guarded demeanor is ‘a get bying plan ‘ and that I am challenging ‘change and improvement ‘ . While Lifton ( 1961 refered to Atherton 2003 ) portrays the method of thought change as ‘brainwashing ‘ . For me these hypothetical records are presence of mind and subsequently I have been angry towards them. During one of our exercises we were given a piece of paper with agonizing hypothetical records on it and requested to take one to think about our introduction. Actually, I had just reflected upon my introduction quickly in a split second after I had completed it, so again in more profundity in my auto on the way place thus again in much more profundity when I talked about it with my hubby, read all the introduction official statements, and contrasted my introduction and every other person ‘s. Accordingly by and by I do n't encounter that I picked up anything by using Price ‘s ( 2002 ) intelligent model hypothetical record. Anyway I have since learnt after thinking about my obtaining way that the main part of my procurement highlights are that of the ‘dreamer ‘ ( Cottrell 2003, p.63 ) . One of the qualities of the ‘dreamer ‘ is to reflect and gauge great. In this way I can value that Price ‘s ( 2002 ) intelligent model hypothetical record might be all the more great to perhaps, the more slender with ‘logician ‘ includes as Cottrell ( 2003, p.63 ) recommends that their learning nation to be created is ‘personal examination ‘ . Anyway I do non experience that students can be categorized into certain learning types, in spite of the fact that I should recognize that the vast majority of my highlights were right on the money with Cottrell ‘s ( 2003 ) visionary larning way. It would look that consideration has regarded me all things considered, as it has made me insightful of my learning way or habits and made me gain that the use of agonizing models are covering for me, thus I have thought around, ‘reflected upon ‘ and took in something from ‘the experience ‘ . It appears that my learning experience is identified with Boud et Al ‘s ( 1985 ) meaning of consideration as they characterizes it as A nonexclusive term for those sound and strong exercises where people connect with to explore their encounters so as to take to another worry and handle ( Draper 1999 ) . It appears that Boud et al see examination from the researcher ‘s purpose of position, underscoring the relationship of the agonizing technique and the learning experience. For outline I have gained from the experience of using agonizing model hypothetical records that I discover them covering. Though Dewey ( 1993 ) characterizes consideration as A functioning constant and cautious thought of any conviction or assumed signifier of perception in the obvious radiation of the confirmations that help it and the more distant choice to which it tends ( Draper 1999 ) . Dewey positions examination as experiential obtaining and that each experience impacts future encounters. For delineation Dewey may hold that from the racial inclination that I examined in region two that I take this involvement in me to future encounters. For representation through observing a portion of the dark residents of Africa distorted by means of non being vaccinated against juvenile loss of motion I have non faltered to immunize my children against infections, for example, childish loss of motion, scourge parotitiss, rubeolas and German measles. Consequently a past encounter can illuminate a current encounter, for example, regardless of whether I should let my young people to be immunized against meningitis. Sch and A ; ouml ; n ( 1993, 1987 refered to Moon 2001, p. 3 ) central focuses on thought in proficient cognizance and its turn of events. He has recognized two kinds of consideration. These are ‘reflection in real life ‘ and ‘reflection on activity ‘ . Sch and A ; ouml ; n recommends that these kinds of examinations are utilized in alone condition of affairss, where the practician can't utilize ‘theories or strategies aforesaid learnt through conventional guidance ‘ ( Moon 2001, p.4 ) . It would along these lines look that ‘reflection in real life ‘ and ‘reflection on activity ‘ are incredibly acceptable to the consideration and instructive ventures as practicians are working with people who are more every now and again than non, course book representations. Reflection is a cardinal bit of my youngster care design as I work with children and families who are people with alone characteristics. This implies each clasp I do an action I may require to make it in any case as I will require to see the individual requests of the youngster/kids and that of their folks. For outline, in the event that you were a factory laborer and you pressed bars your thought in real life would n't take as long, on the grounds that you would be working with lifeless things. Thusly your examinations might be increasingly matter-of-certainty though in my occupation I am covering with babies, yearlings, children and adults, subsequently my considerations are unchanging and are bound to be founded on feelings, as I am working with people who have feelings exorbitantly. As the central ethos of my example is to deal with each child and family unit part as people, I in this manner reflect ‘in activity ‘ all through my hands on twenty-four hours and reflect ‘on activity ‘ , once in a while in a flash after an activity, and here and there accordingly in the eventide. For representation when a parent shows up they may illuminate me regarding the hot end of the week that they have had. This data that I am furnished with influences my examination in rea l life. For outline in the event that I have been educated that a child is probably going to be truly worn out today and I have arranged a hot twenty-four hours, I would accept on my toes and oblige the yearss exercises to suit a sleep in for that kid. It would look that examination is a Catch 22 as there are a wide range of significances and sorts of thought, the above being simply a couple. What is clear however is that examination is truly confounded which is dry sing that thinking is extremely simple. Conceivably so it is non the strategy of consideration that is troublesome, ‘the thought ‘ at the same time, it is covering with the feelings that reflection brings. Potentially I am being evaluated on my thought capacities as they are of import to my all encompassing individual, guidance and example improvement. Perhaps my criticism in the introduction is sound as, No grown-up male who venerates guidance has the best out of instruction†¦ Without a delicate hatred for guidance no grown-up male ‘s guidance is complete.Gilbert K. ChestertonI definitely feel that I have my underlying contempt for consideration out of my framework as I have understood that thought has helped me do associations, for example, the nexus between my learning way and seting the viable origin of assignments off for each piece long as could reasonably be expected. Thought has as King and Kitchener proposed ‘improved my psychological capacity ‘ , as I currently have a superior dread of consideration and myself. I other than feel that understudies do have their considerations as they own their days gone by encounters which they draw after during examination. By and by I do non like agonizing model hypothetical records yet I value that they can be great for understudies who discover thought hard.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

8 Bookish Holiday Traditions to Start this December

8 Bookish Holiday Traditions to Start this December If youre decking your halls with books and book accessories (and you  should be), theyre already pretty bookish. But they could be MORE bookish. Its like, how much more bookish could they be? Im dying over the idea of the  Jólabókaflóð,  the Icelandic tradition of giving books on Christmas Eve and then all retreating to your separate couches with your books and hot chocolate and not talking to each other (I assume). We have way too many family obligations to ever make this fly, but I do have an enormous pile of wrapped books and cozy socks to give to my children on the first day of school break, because I can imagine nothing better as a child than days of unstructured free time and a pile of new books. Itll be our own little  Jólabókaflóð! You could spread that flood out and make a bookish advent calendar for all of December, or just the twelve days of Christmas, or the eight days of Hanukkah. Or give a book every year on St Nicholas Day! YOU get a book, and YOU get a book. Speaking of advent calendars, you should be reading this carefully curated advent calendar of short stories, essays, and poems (starting Dec 1). Straight-up literally read The Night Before Christmas on the night before Christmas. Or ditto but for Hanukkah with  The Night Before Hanukkah! Other December holidays are still waiting on someone to adorably illustrate  in rhyme what happens on them, so…get on it, authors. Read a book featuring a holiday-specific food and then make that food! I highly recommend  The Latke Who Wouldnt Stop Screaming but you have to really commit to the screaming. Watch some festive holiday adaptations! The Muppets Christmas Carol, e.g. Or How the Grinch Stole Christmas  (but Miss Me With That Jim Carey Nonsense). My parents like to re-watch all of the Harry Potter movies in December because they find them generally festive, but if you are not a pair of adorable semi-retirees, you can watch all the holiday scenes  in a fraction of the time. A lot of parents find that gift-giving to their children gets out of hand, so its helpful to curtail gifts to something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something (or somethingsssssss, I dont care, go nuts on this part) to READ. And then you can always take your holiday bonus and any cash gifts and blow them at the book store on Boxing Day. What sort of bookish holiday traditions do you celebrate?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Personality Traits Perseverance And Time Management

Summary I wanted to look at two traits – Perseverance and Time Management. I collected data from two sources. 1. Self-reported data on time spent and perceived quality for identified recruitment activities 2. Feedback from two individuals who worked closely during the process The self-reported data pointed to the fact that reporting and tracking the data in itself caused a rise in quality of my recruitment activities. The feedback pointed to the fact I was perceived to be above average for both the traits. I realize that intervention effects are strong enough to change behaviors. On a professional and personal front, this presents me an tool to operate in the future. From an organization’s point of view, data collection on its employees is a time consuming and expensive process. But if it can track the right metric using the right methods, both the organization and employees can benefit from people analytics. What did I want to measure? This self-assessment assignment presented me with a unique opportunity to quantify two of my personality traits to which I attributed a big chunk of my personal successes. Perseverance and Time Management. Why are these traits important? I wanted to look at these traits closely because perseverance is something that aids individuals in achieving personal success. Time management is a trait that supposedly helps students to manage their academic success , reduce stress and increase job satisfaction . I believe that these traits tremendousShow MoreRelatedNational Honor Society Admissions Essay675 Words   |  3 PagesNational Honor Society Application Essay When I first received the letter inviting me to apply to the National Honor Society, my initial thoughts were of appreciation for the recognition of my hard work during this past academic year. To think of myself as a member of the NHS is an honor that could have a profound impact on my future. 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Monday, May 11, 2020

The Lord Of The Flies - 1468 Words

The Lord of the Flies tells the story of a group of English schoolboys marooned on a tropical island after their plane is shot down during a war. Though the novel is fictional, its exploration of the idea of human evil is at least partly based on Golding’s experience with the real-life violence and brutality of World War II. Free from the rules and structures of civilization and society, the boys on the island in Lord of the Flies descend into savagery. Golding’s experience in World War II had a profound effect on his view of humanity and the evils of which it was capable. Although Golding’s story is confined to the microcosm of a group of boys, it resounds with implications far beyond the bounds of the small island and explores problems†¦show more content†¦Because the author has taken such care in incorporating this theme, it becomes apparent to us that the theme is therefore worthy of our learning. The first appearing example of symbolism portraying t he struggle between good vs evil, is Piggy’s glasses. Piggy’s glasses represent order and intelligence. The state that they’re in represents the state of the social order on the island. â€Å"Piggy’s glasses flew off and tinkled on the rocks.† This quote is referring to Piggy’s glasses breaking. This event is symbolic of the fact that evil has started to gain the upper hand and is getting closer to taking over entirely. â€Å"He took off his glasses and looked for something with which to clean them.† Piggy is constantly having to clean his glasses and this, also, is symbolic of evil beginning to overshadow good and being forced back by clear sightedness. The idea of glasses representing intelligence and intelligence being a good quality is closely bound into the perceptions of society. Because of this, this symbol is one of the more obvious ones, making it more accessible to a wider range of readers. It ensures that many people have a greater chance of understanding the theme, thereby reinforcing the importance of learning it. The next example of symbolism is the Lord of the Flies itself. â€Å"There was a blackness within, a blackness which spread.†The Lord of the Flies is symbolic of the growing presence of the both the external and internal evil within the boys on the island. We canShow MoreRelatedThe Lord Of The Flies1262 Words   |  6 Pages2015 Lord of the Flies Research Paper Evils are what drive all of the negative things in society. Characteristics of evil are all around us in our everyday lives. political leaders, celebrities, People we idolize show characteristics of evil. Even small insignificant roles in society hold certain evils in their motives. Throughout this story these evils were for once boldly stated for all to understand. The games the boys play,the fire they set, and their rescue, in the Lord of the flies showsRead More Lord of the Flies1827 Words   |  8 Pageswhich desire to follow through with. William Golding’s Lord of the Flies and John Polson’s Hide and Seek are two prime examples that demonstrate the conflict between civilised behaviour and savagery through their characters’ cultured manners, savage impulses and struggles as they decide who they really are as people. The instinct to follow rules and act in a civilised manner is highlighted throughout the first four chapters of Lord of the Flies, but is especially perceptible in the boys’ behaviourRead MoreLord of the Flies1669 Words   |  7 PagesLord Of The Flies Summary [pic] |Lord Of The Flies Summary - The Island | |Lord of the Flies is set during World War 2 on a tropical island in the Coral Sea. A group of boys survive a plane crash and are| |left stranded on a deserted island with no adults. At first the boys cling to the principles and laws they were taught during | |their upbringing. They call a meeting where they establish rules,Read MoreLord of the Flies642 Words   |  3 PagesThe book Lord of the Flies shows us how humans act when there is a weakly constructed system of power. We see how a group of civilized young men change into a bunch of crazy animalistic beasts over a very short period of time when there is no one who is â€Å"above† them to order them around and set rules. In The Hunger Games we see a society of people grouped into districts who follow the strict rules of the capital. If you question the capital or disobey one rule or show any sign of treasonRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1262 Words   |  6 Pages2015 Lord of the Flies Research Paper Evils are what drive all of the negative things in society. Characteristics of evil are all around us in our everyday lives. political leaders, celebrities, People we idolize show characteristics of evil. Even small insignificant roles in society hold certain evils in their motives. Throughout this story these evils were for once boldly stated for all to understand. The games the boys play,the fire they set, and their rescue, in the Lord of the flies showsRead MoreLord of the Flies2048 Words   |  9 PagesIn William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, symbols are illustrated through people, objects, and colors. In this novel, a group of children are faced with the difficulty of living isolated from society after their plane crashes on a deserted island. With no formal civilization, parents, or rules, the kids have the freedom to do as they choose. Throughout the novel, the boys find and use objects on the island that symbolize something of different importance. In Lord of the Flie s, William Golding usesRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1385 Words   |  6 PagesLord of the Flies In a life or death situation, desperate people resort to drastic measures. Some people were taught how to survive in brutal situations while others were never taught how to hunt if they were lost in the forest. In this life it’s either we know how to survive in a life or death situation or we learn as we go and do everything possible to stay alive. It is normal for people to experience immoral behavior due to the environment they are in and there is not much that can be done. IRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies1111 Words   |  5 PagesThe Lord of the Flies Research Project While the World War II was in act, Adolf Hitler once incited â€Å"You only have to kick in the door, and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down†(Adolf Hitler). The structure coming down symbolizes the fact that the boys’ structure of order, and civilization came crashing down as well. This is found throughout the book. Adolf Hitler is known for his dictatorship, his exquisite leadership skills, and violent warfares.. He uncovered that leadership skillsRead MoreThe Lord Of The Flies2105 Words   |  9 PagesBefore starting The Lord of the Flies, a lone question that summed up the entire book was proposed: Are humans good or evil? Though it may not seem like a puzzling question at first, everything inside, and outside of the book makes it more complicated. If we are evil, then everyone would be turned against everyone else from the start, and if we are good, we would always be for everyone else at the beginning. Neither is present in the real world, bring up the question, what is humanity’s true goalRead MoreLord of the Flies871 Words   |  4 PagesWriting an Interpretive Composition Piggy is an important character in William Golding s Lord of The Flies. The novel follows a group of boys who crash land on a deserted island. At first, the boys believe that they will be rescued and will soon return to their normal lives. The reality of the situation, is that the world outside of the island is in war. The island becomes their new home. Using Piggy s physical features, mental state, and emotional level, Golding makes Piggy a symbol of security

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hills like White Elephants Feminist Interpretation

Hemingway’s works have largely covered the subject of feminism, and his short story †Hills like white elephants† perfectly portrays a woman who breaks the norms of a society dominated by men and masculinity. As we all know, feminism is a social movement , an ideology which focuses on achieving rights for women . Women should be equal to men in each and every way. We will write a custom essay sample on Feminist Interpretation of Hemingway’s †Hills like White Elephants† or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Hemingway’s short story we have two important characters: The American and The Girl. It should be noted that we can acknowledge only from the nicknames the author gives us that †The American† seems to be superior from a plain old †Girl† . Is the girl American too ? Is she of another nationality? We aren’t told this , but this makes us wonder just how important women were in the 20th century , how much they depended on men , how they didn’t matter in society , how their feelings or opinions were pretty much non existent. This simple question gives a major clue on who is superior and who is inferior in the couple’s relationship. Even from the beginning , when the Girl asks her partner about what they should drink , we can pretty much realise just how much she cares for her boyfriend’s opinions and thoughts. It may seem just as a simple question , but if we analyze the whole text we surely get to the conclusion that the Girl really has surpressed feelings, frustrations , her own thoughts only get voice at the end of the short story , when she finally sees just how her relationship really is. The girl is clearly submissive to her dominant boyfriend, and she wants to do the things that please him. She is inferior in this case as she doesn’t know the Spanish language, she can’t order by herself, she depends on her boyfriend. I think that there are many famales who depend on their partner, but that it is much better to be an independent woman. Women shouldn’t feel inferior to men, they should consider themselves as men’s equals. The woman is clearly used to pleasing her boyfriend and doing whatever he wants. †Although â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† is primarily a conversation between the American man and his girlfriend, neither of the speakers truly communicates with the other, highlighting the rift between the two. Both talk, but neither listens or understands the other’s point of view. Frustrated and placating, the American man will say almost anything to convince his girlfriend to have the operation, which, although never mentioned by name, is understood to be an abortion.† The American man’s girlfriend is a girl who doesn’t speak up when talking about the abortion. It is clear that she doesn’t want to have it, and even though she doesn’t argue with her boyfriend their conversation is really tensionate. She is the typical american girl in the 20th century, a girl that would to anything for the man she loves, not caring about the consequences. I would now like to talk about Jig’s (the nickname the Girl is given by her boyfriend, we don’t know her actual name) feminist journey thourought the really short story. At the beginning , she really seems to be willing to do anything she can to save her relationship , even have an operation , an abortion . I truly believe she wakes up at one point in the conversation and realises there is nothing to save , that an abortion can’t fix what’s already damaged in the relationship . The American is clearly oblivious to his girlfriend’s or, better said, the mother of his unborn child’s needs and true wishes, and he really pressures her to do something that mainly affects her, she should be the one taking the decision about having a child or not , not anyone else. One quote of the text regarding the feiminist awakening in the Girl’s soul is particularly important and worth mentioning : † Then I’ll do it, I don’t care about me.†(Source : †Hills like white elephants, by Ernest Hemingway from Charters, Ann, Ed. The Story and its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction. 6th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003). This quote is especially relevant from a feminist point of view. Even though, at first, I actually thought that the woman wants to please her boyfriend and do as he wants her to do, I think that this is the moment she actually realises that everything she’s done so far was only for him, she was careless when it came to her needs, her wishes and she is now actually waking up. She seems to realise just how much her dominant boyfriend is asking of her and she seems to have had enough. If we think about reporting this quote to real life we may say that women, even today, care about their partner’s feeling more than they care about their own person. In today’s relationships men try to dominate women and try to have the upper hand, and women are unfortunately are usually inferior to their partner and get to a point where they feel helpless, with low self-esteem and unhappy. Another quote that gives a glimpse of the Girl’s realization that she does in fact want to keep the baby and doesn’t want to have any operation at all is â€Å"But if I do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and you’ll like it?† (Source : †Hills like white elephants, by Ernest Hemingway from Charters, Ann, Ed. The Story and its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction. 6th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003) †By this point, midway through the story, the girl has already retracted her previous comment that the surrounding hills look like white elephants, hinting that she wants to keep the baby instead of having an abortion. The man had been upset at this, feigning indifference but pushing for the abortion because he doesn’t want the child. Still hoping to save their broken relationship, the girl asks her boyfriend whether things between them will return to the way they used to be if she goes through with the abortion. Her indecision and desire to placate the man demonstrate her dependence on him. At the same time, however, the mere fact that she asks the question may imply that she believes that nothing can save their relationship.† (Source : SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on Hills Like White Elephants.† SparkNotes.com. SparkNotes LLC. 2007. Web. 19 May 2017) This quote unveils, once again, Jig’s awakening. She subtly hints at the fact that she doesn’t want to have the operation, but wants the relationship between her and the American to be a happy and successfull one, as it once was. She asks this question knowing that things may never be as they once were, she slowly realizes that the relationship has reached its finish, and that no operation can fix what made the couple grow apart. I feel like the Girl’s feelings are finally surfacing, and that the American is at this point as clueless as he can be. The not so long conversation between the two is a real game changer for the relationship. The two aren’t arguing or shouting, but the dialogue is really tensionate, it truly shows that there are a lot of things on the deeper level. The Girl is no longer just a plain girl, she has a voice, she has feelings and she is not afraid to speak up anymore, even though the one she is talking to doesn’t understand much at all. In the end, I am completely sure that she is coming out of her submissive girfriend shell and that she realizes she can be an independent woman, taking care of a child without the help of its father. Hemingway doesn’t actually tells us if the woman decides to have the abortion or not, but from all the subltle hints in the Girl’s dialogue I think it is safe to assume that she is keeping the baby and getting out of the toxic relationship with her overly dominant boyfriend. To conclude my essay, I would like to state the fact that this short story is truly a story of a woman who has her feminist awakening, a woman who gets out of the cage she’s been kept in by her dominant partner, a woman who finally speaks up her mind. Hemingway ingeniously brings to life an independent, strong woman, and a real life situation common to our days. How to cite Feminist Interpretation of Hemingway’s †Hills like White Elephants†, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The failure of examination in evaluation

Introduction According to Lamond (43), examination systems have been applicable since time immemorial to gauge one’s knowledge on particular topics. The authenticity and process of examining individuals have been applicable in the public domain to determine whether it is the best way to judge a student’s ability and qualifications.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The failure of examination in evaluation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The grades, degrees and scorecards play a pivotal role in the destruction or formation of one’s career as evident in the service industry. In the modern society, most companies insist on communication skills, as a recipe for employing individuals. This is because it is not possible to judge one’s ability through examinations only. As such, this piece explores the supposition that examination is not an appropriate mode of evaluation. Research has proved t hat most students fare on well in written English but fail to express themselves through spoken language. Langbein Claire (74) report that examinations are obligatory tools that recognize ability in students. By measuring one’s ability using standards, results often depict the right move. The results aid judgment and evaluation towards a course. Students’ purposes of undergoing tests are associated with skills, knowledge and eligibility that one is prone to achieve. As such, examining of students is an inappropriate way to make a prejudgment upon a student. Shortcomings of administering examinations Examinations act as a memory test and not an avenue for gaining knowledge useful for inventions and innovations. Examinations test the amount of information one masters and not what one has understood. According to (Wall 54), memorizing facts hinders the understanding capabilities of individuals hence lack of reasoning and deficiency in fresh ideas. According to Wall (54), a person who uses memory as a yardstick for intelligence exudes minimal advantage over an intelligent person who bases thinking on logics and does things according to situations.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Langbein Claire (33) report that examinations have proved to be stressful. Most students have the ability to perform best without undergoing examination pressure. This is because significant proportions of students who have the potential of achieving their goals panic during examinations. In the modern world, passing examinations do not guarantee automatic careers but proves the worthiness and confidence gained. The level of practical understanding, theory and knowledge is not tested. The benchmark for examination in this case is preceding value. According to Farthing (8), examinations have endangered the art of creativity. Most students only depend on information that is enta iled in the syllabus hence limitations in undertaking extra research programs. This also encourages over dependency in few books of study. According to Farthing (8), examinations have resulted to committing of suicide by students because of failing. This is because of pressure to perform. Tension accrued during examinations amounts to depression and anxiety amongst students. Examinations only offer grades as the only feedback especially. This is often the case amidst successful persons. Students who fail to pass the examinations experience to re-writes and remediation. False closure has enabled students to rely on the course content hence no involvement in connections related to advance courses. Examinations do not give the exact picture of the ability in a child. In most cases, grades are normally disappointing and that poor results do not come about because of lack of knowledge in the prospective subject but from personal conditions such as health problems, stress and the state of mind. The ability of a student should be precisely evident and rated by a teacher even before appearance for examinations. Accepted wisdom Farthing (27) asserts that most people believe that examination is necessary for evaluating student knowledge. This provides for independent work and controlled environment helpful in the verification of the status of the student learning.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The failure of examination in evaluation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Examinations play a major role in motivating students to study. Students have a habit of reading books during the examination period only hence exams acts as motivators. Exams have also been perceivable to help in the facilitation of students choices. Options demand that students must attain specific grades as a pre-requisite of pursuing degree options in the universities. Poor grades have a clear indication that a student is not capab le of pursuing an intended career option (Dumas and William 56). Examination ensures that students are aware of their capabilities and progress in studies, which improves grades based on focusing areas of weaknesses. It is an avenue for assessing the academic performance of an individual. Examination indicates the ability of students hence a yardstick of success in education. Conclusion As much as philosophers found knowledge to be enjoyable, examinations have proved to be a grand detest to education. Education is an avenue for instilling and enlightening people. Today examinations have proved to be a tool for discouraging the majority. Changing the systems of education would act as a positive aspect in a student. Analysis of students through examination only boosts competition in universities hence grants and scholarships. The understanding between examiner and examinee is not viable, but the demonstration through aptitude test means achieving grades. Works Cited Dumas, Philip. Wi lliam, Uhland. The Best Test Preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination. Piscataway, NJ: Research Education Association, 2001. Print. Farthing, Jennifer. Kaplan Civil Service Exams. New York, NY: Kaplan, 2006. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lamond, Jay. Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials. West Conshohocken: ASTM, 2006. Print. Langbein, Laura. Claire, Felbinger. Public Program Evaluation: A Statistical Guide. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2006. Print. Wall, Dianne. The Impact of High-Stakes Examinations on Classroom Teaching: A Case Study Using Insights from Testing and Innovation Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print. This essay on The failure of examination in evaluation was written and submitted by user Happy Hogan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

County of Allegheny v. ACLU Greater Pittsburgh Chapter (1989)

County of Allegheny v. ACLU Greater Pittsburgh Chapter (1989) Background Information This case looked at the constitutionality of two holiday displays in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. One was a creche standing on the grand staircase of the Allegheny County Courthouse, a very prominent position in the courthouse and readily visible by all who entered. The creche included figures of Joseph, Mary, Jesus, animals, shepherds, and an angel bearing a huge banner with the words Gloria in Excelsis Deo! (Glory to in the Highest) emblazoned upon it. Next to it was a sign stating This Display Donated by the Holy Name Society (a Catholic organization). The other display was a block away in a building jointly owned by both the city and the county. It was an 18-foot tall Hanukkah menorah donated by a group of Lubavitcher Hasidim (an ultra-orthodox branch of Judaism). With the menorah was a 45-foot tall Christmas tree, at the base of which was a sign stating Salute to Liberty. Some local residents, supported by the ACLU, filed suit claiming that both displays violated the . A Court of Appeals agreed and ruled that both displays violated of the First Amendment because they endorsed religion. Fast Facts: County of Allegheny v. ACLU of Greater Pittsburgh Chapter Case Argued: February 22, 1989Decision Issued:  July 2, 1989Petitioner: County of AlleghenyRespondent:   American Civil Liberties Union, Greater Pittsburgh ChapterKey Question: Did two public-sponsored holiday displays- one a nativity scene, the other a menorah- constitute state endorsement of religion which would be in violation of the Establishment Clause  of the First Amendment?Majority Decision: Justices Brennan, Marshall, Blackmun, Scalia, and KennedyDissenting: Justices Rehnquist, White, Stevens, and O’ConnorRuling: The location and messaging of the display determined whether or not it was in violation of the Establishment Clause. The prominent display of the crà ¨che with wording directly in praising the birth of Jesus sent a clear message that the county supported and promoted that religion. Due to its particular physical setting, the menorah display was deemed constitutionally legitimate. Court Decision Arguments were made on February 22, 1989. On July 3, 1989, the court ruled 5 to 4 (to strike) and 6 to 3 (to uphold). This was a deeply and unusually fragmented Court Decision, but in the final analysis the Court ruled that while the creche was unconstitutional, the menorah display was not. Although in the Court used the three-part Lemon test to allow a city in Rhode Island to display a creche as part of a holiday display, the same did not hold here because the Pittsburgh display was not used in conjunction with other secular, seasonal decorations. Lynch had established what came to be called the plastic reindeer rule of secular context which the creche failed. Due to this independence along with the prominent place which the creche occupied (thus signaling government endorsement), the display was determined by Justice Blackmun in his plurality opinion to have a specific religious purpose. The fact that the creche was created by a private organization did not eliminate the apparent endorsement by the government of the display. Moreover, the placement of the display in such a prominent position emphasized the message of supporting religion.The creche scene stood on the grand staircase of a courthouse alone. The Supreme Court said: ...the creche sits on the Grand Staircase, the main and most beautiful part of the building that is the seat of county government. No viewer could reasonably think that it occupies this location without the support and approval of the government.Thus, by permitting the display of the creche in this particular physical setting, the county sends an unmistakable message that it supports and promotes the Christian praise to God that is the creches religious message... The Establishment Clause does not limit only the religious content of the governments own communications. It also prohibits the governments support and promotion of religious communications by religious organizations. Unlike the creche, however, the menorah on display was not determined to have an exclusively religious message. The menorah was placed next to a Christmas tree and a sign saluting liberty which the Court found important. Instead of endorsing any religious group, this display with the menorah recognized the holidays as part of the same winter-holiday season. Thus, the display in its entirety did not appear to endorse or disapprove of any religion, and the menorah was permitted to remain. With regards to the menorah, the Supreme Court said: ...it is not sufficiently likely that residents of Pittsburgh will perceive the combined display of the tree, the sign, and the menorah as an endorsement or disapproval ...of their individual religious choices. While an adjudication of the displays effect must taken into account the perspective of one who is neither Christian nor Jewish, as well as of those who adhere to either of these religions, ibid., the constitutionality of its effect must also be judged according to the standard of a reasonable observer. ...When measured against this standard, the menorah need not be excluded from this particular display.The Christmas tree alone in the Pittsburgh location does not endorse Christian belief; and, on the facts before us, the addition of the menorah cannot fairly be understood to result in the simultaneous endorsement of Christian and Jewish faiths. On the contrary, for purposes of the Establishment Clause, the citys overall display must be understood as conveying the citys secular recognition of different traditions for celebrating the winter-holiday season. This was a curious conclusion because the Chabad, the Hasidic sect which owned the menorah, celebrated Chanukah as a religious holiday and advocated the display of their menorah as part of their mission of proselytizing. Also, there was a clear record of lighting the menorah in religious ceremonies - but this was ignored by the Court because the ACLU failed to bring it up. It is also interesting that Blackmun went to some length to argue that the menorah should be interpreted in light of the tree rather than the other way around. No real justification is offered for this perspective, and it is interesting to wonder what the decision would have been had the menorah been larger than the tree, rather than the actual situation where the tree was the larger of the two. In a sharply worded dissent, Justice Kennedy denounced the Lemon test used to evaluate the religious displays and argued that ...any test which might invalidate longstanding traditions cannot be a proper reading of the [Establishment] Clause. In other words, tradition - even if it includes and support of sectarian religious messages - must trump evolving understandings of religious freedom. Justice OConnor, in her concurring opinion, responded: Justice Kennedy submits that the endorsement test is inconsistent with our precedents and traditions because, in his words, if it were applied without artificial exceptions for historical practice, it would invalidate many traditional practices recognizing the role of religion in our society.This criticism shortchanges both the endorsement test itself and my explanation of the reason why certain long standing government acknowledgments of religion do not, under that test, convey a message of endorsement. Practices such as legislative prayers or opening Court sessions with God save the United States and this honorable Court serve the secular purposes of solemnizing public occasions and expressing confidence in the future.These examples of ceremonial deism do not survive Establishment Clause scrutiny simply by virtue of their historical longevity alone. Historical acceptance of a practice does not in itself validate that practice under the Establishment Clause if the practice violates the values protected by that Clause, just as historical acceptance of racial or gender based discrimination does not immunize such practices from scrutiny under the Fourteenth Amendment. Justice Kennedys dissent also argued that prohibiting the government from celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday is, itself, a discrimination against Christians. In response to this, Blackmun wrote in the majority opinion that: Celebrating Christmas as a religious, as opposed to a secular, holiday, necessarily entails professing, proclaiming, or believing that Jesus of Nazareth, born in a manger in Bethlehem, is the Christ, the Messiah. If the government celebrates Christmas as a religious holiday (for example, by issuing an official proclamation saying: We rejoice in the glory of Christs birth!), it means that the government really is declaring Jesus to be the Messiah, a specifically Christian belief.In contrast, confining the governments own celebration of Christmas to the holidays secular aspects does not favor the religious beliefs of non-Christians over those of Christians. Rather, it simply permits the government to acknowledge the holiday without expressing an allegiance to Christian beliefs, an allegiance that would truly favor Christians over non-Christians. To be sure, some Christians may wish to see the government proclaim its allegiance to Christianity in a religious celebration of Christmas, bu t the Constitution does not permit the gratification of that desire, which would contradict the the logic of secular liberty it is the purpose of the Establishment Clause to protect. Significance Although it seemed to do otherwise, this decision basically permitted the existence of competing religious symbols, conveying a message of accommodation of religious plurality. While a single symbol standing alone might be unconstitutional, its inclusion with other secular/seasonal decorations may offset an apparent endorsement of a religious message. As a result, communities which desire holiday decorations must now create a display that does not send the message of endorsing a particular religion to the exclusion of others. Displays must contain a variety of symbols and be inclusive of differing perspectives. Perhaps equally important for future cases, however, was the fact that the four dissenters in Allegheny County would have upheld both the creche and menorah displays under a more relaxed, deferential standard. This position has gained a great deal of ground over the years following this decision. In addition, Kennedys Orwellian position that a failure to celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday qualifies as discrimination against Christians has also become popular - it is, effectively, the logical conclusion of the accommodationist position that an absence of government support for religion is the same as government hostility towards religion. Naturally, such discrimination is only relevant when it comes to Christianity; the government fails to celebrate Ramadan as a religious holiday, but people who agree with Kennedys dissent are entirely unconcerned by that because Muslims are a minority.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with In

30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with In 30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with â€Å"In† 30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with â€Å"In† By Mark Nichol Among the scores of verbose constructions that can be whittled down (usually) to one word with no loss of, and often with a net gain in, clarity are those phrases in the following sentences beginning with in. The replacement words are not necessarily the only (or the best) choices, and the sentences could be further refined, but employ this list to help you be on the lookout for that is, be aware of phrases like the ones presented below. They need not be automatically excised, but examine your writing for an abundance of such prolixity, and revise at your discretion. 1. Please submit your report in advance of the meeting. Please submit your report before the meeting. 2. We received a check in the amount of $1,000. We received a check for $1,000. 3. We’re implementing this policy in an effort to streamline our process. We’re implementing this policy to streamline our process. 4. Which section is this question in connection with? Which section is this question about? 5. Do not use in excess of the recommended dosage. Do not use more than the recommended dosage. 6. Are you in favor of the new system, or do you oppose it? Are you for the new system, or do you oppose it? 7. Use Form BFF in lieu of Form OMG. Use Form BFF instead of Form OMG. 8-9. Improvement will be noted in most cases (or instances). Improvement will usually be noted. 10. They have changed the procedure in order to reduce the necessary steps. They have changed the procedure to reduce the necessary steps. 11. She is attending the meeting in place of her vacationing supervisor. She is attending the meeting for her vacationing supervisor. 12. I am in possession of damning evidence. I have damning evidence. 13. They are in proximity to the epicenter. They are close to the epicenter. 14. We are in receipt of your letter. We received your letter. 15-17. I wasn’t sure what the question was in reference to (or regard to or in relation to). I wasn’t sure what the question was about. 18. You will notice these side effects in some instances. You will sometimes notice these side effects. 19. In spite of the fact that the box was clearly labeled, he could not find it. Although the box was clearly labeled, he could not find it. 20. In terms of reducing costs, the strategy has been a failure. The strategy has been a failure in reducing costs. 21. In the absence of Smith as manager, Jones was left in charge. Without Smith as manager, Jones was left in charge. 22. In the case of duplication, rename the older file and place it in the Archive folder. If duplication occurs, rename the older file and place it in the Archive folder. 23. We were speaking in the context of yesterday’s discussion. We were speaking about yesterday’s discussion. 24. In the course of the session, little progress was made. During the session, little progress was made. 25. In the event that no decision is made, the current procedure will remain in effect. If no decision is made, the current procedure will remain in effect. 26. In the final analysis, it is up to us to decide. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide. 27. He will return in the near future. He will return soon. 28. It took in the neighborhood of two weeks to complete. It took about two weeks to complete. 29. They are in the vicinity of the headquarters now. They are near the headquarters now. 30. In view of the fact that you suggested it, I think you should propose it. Because you suggested it, I think you should propose it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-EfficientAnyone vs. EveryoneCaptain vs. Master

Monday, February 17, 2020

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - Essay Example "No experience," asserts Bradley in a phrase that Eliot states, "can lie open to inspections from outside" (Rampal, 203). Prufrocks dream is incommunicable, and whatsoever he speaks to the lady is answered by, "That is not what I meant at all. That is not it, at all" (CP, 6). The lady is also trapped in her own domain, and the two domains can never, alike soap bubbles, turn into one. Each domain is impassable to the other. If other consciousnesses occur only as opaque matters for Prufrock, he possess an equally unhappy relativity to space and time. One of the poem puzzles is the question of whether Prufrock leaves his room ever. It seems that he does not, hence infirm is his determination, so prepared "for a hundred indecisions, And for hundred visions and revisions, Before the taking of a toast and tea" (CP, 4). In another notion Prufrock would be incapable of going anywhere, no matter how hard he tried. However far the author goes, he remains caged in his own individual space, and all he is experiencing is imaginary. It appears to be some opinion of this which makes him stay in his room, gratified to imagine himself walking through the streets, climbing the ladys stairs, and saying to the lady "all like Lazarus from the dead†. There remains no resurrection from death which has unfastened him, and this is an implication of the Dante epigraph. But time, just like space, has only subjective existence for Prufrock. Consequently, future, present, and past are equally immediate, and the author is paralyzed. As a Bradleys finite centers asserts, he "is not in time," hence "contains [his] own past and future" (Rampal, 205). Memories, ironic reverberations of earlier poetry, current sensations, anticipations of what the author might do in future ("I grow old . . . I grow old . . . I shall wear my trousers bottoms rolled" (Rampal, 71) - which are equally present. Like the women

Monday, February 3, 2020

Two Different Regulatory Models That Can Be Adopted In the Financial S Assignment

Two Different Regulatory Models That Can Be Adopted In the Financial Sector - Assignment Example In order to effectively identify the best models to address future financial crises, it is important to go back to the specific cause of the crisis. According to George Soros (2008), â€Å"the salient feature of the current financial crisis is that it was not caused by some external shock†¦ the crisis was generated by the system itself.† Specifically, it was the housing bubble the eventual drove the financial meltdown as excesses became evident when people could borrow money easily to buy houses with inflated prices. Mortgage lenders started to declare bankruptcy and reached crisis proportions, with effects spilling over other markets – from hedge funds to financial institutions. If there is a tight financial regulation in place the housing bubble could not have happened or, at least, the crisis has been confined to the industry. In this regard, two regulatory models are proposed: the centralized financial regulation and supervision used by United Kingdom’s FSA and the Basel II/domestic regulatory model. In the centralized regulatory and supervisory model, all financial policies – for banks, securities firms, other financial institutions, insurance companies, and so on – are under one umbrella. (Schwab, Roubini and Bilodeau, p. 44) The model is seen as a more superior framework than those models wherein powers are fragmented among many and different institutions, as with the case of the model adopted by the US. The recent subprime financial crisis has confirmed the mismatch between regulation and supervision as well as global banking and financial activities. The general consensus today is that it is too late to continue with different national (or state) regulators and supervisors. (Alessandrini, Fratianni and Zazzaro 2009, p. 8) An integrated regulatory agency as proposed by the centralized model would be able to monitor the activities of integrated firms and markets more effectively than separate agencies as well as effectively develop and implement appropriate resp onses to financial threats.  

Sunday, January 26, 2020

BRIC Relevance And Vision In New World Order

BRIC Relevance And Vision In New World Order 19. The 21st century is the century of BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India China) as was the 20th century of America. However one should not forget that there was a period of recession during the early part of 20th century. As per the studies carried out by the experts, there wont be continuous growth every year without any disruption. In fact, the economist were surprised by the occurrence of events in 2008-09. However, they were not surprised that such a thing has happened, as it is a cycle that repeats sooner or later in the world economy. But the fact remains that just because there was an economic crisis in 2008, the relevance of BRICs does not end. In fact it has become more relevant as the emerging economies of BRIC are now driving the world economy.  [7]  The state of the world economy in the coming decade will be largely dictated by the turn of events in the BRIC countries Brazil, Russia, India and China. As all are with large population, hungry for growth, they are alr eady influencing the global commerce and they have the potential to redefine and influence it even further. The BRIC countries have large, young populations base to further exploit this growth potential. The growing importance and influence of BRIC economies is largely due to rapidly growing market due large middle class population which offers lucrative markets for the world industries. 20. The very fact that BRIC economies have shown consistent economic growth over the last decade and their increasing role in the economic activities in the world, Goldman Sachs who first introduced the term has now become more confident on the relevance of BRIC. German economy has already been taken over by China in 2008, and Japan in 2010. As per estimates of Goldman Sachs, Chinese economy will overtake US by 2035. As per reports, India is among the first 10 of the 30 fastest-growing areas in the world, thus it is likely to influence world economy in a major way and faster than expected by the experts.  [8]   21. The leaders of BRIC nations have gained influence over the last decade as their economies have registered faster growth than those of developed countries. The BRIC countries along with the other emerging economies from the developing world have started playing important role in the decision making at various forum of trade, banking and climate change. The relevance of the BRIC economies in the present world order can be gauged from the following facts :- (a) The BRIC economies is more than 22 % of the world economy. (b) The real economic growth of China have consistently averaged at 9.75 percent since 1999, 7 percent in case of India and Russia, and 3.3 percent for Brazil. The global financial crisis of 2008 saw contraction of Russian and Brazil economy in 2009. However India and China continue to remain on a growth path, thus driving the recovery of world economy. (c) As per the experts, the BRIC economies are expected to register further growth in the coming years, thus attracting industries and FDI. (d) Brazil, being an dominating player in agricultural and mining sector, will be a major player in the world market after exploiting its oil reserves. After a period of rapid for last five years, though, its economy has gone into recession in early 2009 but has revived strongly and registered a healthy growth of 9 % in 2010. (e) Russia, being one of the worlds major oil and gas producer, has been affected by the economic slowdown of 2008, in spite of the economic slowdown its economy has registered a healthy growth of about 4 % in 2010 which is largely assisted by recovery in oil prices. (f) Indian economy is emerging strongly and is likely to grow at the rate of 8 %. The government and consumer spending is likely to further boost the growth. (g) The BRIC nations are trying to build consensus on reducing the dependence on U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency, the options of basket of currencies or a system of drawing rates has been suggested by the forum. (h) The BRIC nations have increased their influence at various forum of trade and banking and are dictating terms at these international forums, thus ensuring that their interests are addressed. (j) India and Brazil, both being considered as strong contender for permanent seat in United Nations Security Council, however a lack of consensus among the nations in UN on the issue of UNSC reforms has long stalled the reform process. (k) The BRIC economies have developed a common position on global climate negotiations, however there are differences among them on the issues of carbon footprints. Russia, has already ratified the Kyoto protocol in year 2004. However developing countries like India and Brazil are not agreeing to legally binding targets of emissions being enforced from 2013. (l) Chinese economy has already overtaken Germany and Japan in 2008 and 2010 respectively and is likely to overtake US economy by 2035. (m) As per experts, India will achieve its highest economic growth rate in next few years which will be higher than that of China and will overtake Japanese economy by 2030. (n) As per economic experts, the currencies of BRIC countries will be appreciating upto 300% in next three to four decades, thus likely to be the favourite destination for investment in future this will give further boost to BRIC economies in coming future. (o) In next three to four decades, the BRIC economies, taken together will overtake the economies of United States and the developed economies of Europe. (p) In BRIC countries, a population of about 200 million with incomes above $ 15,000 is likely to get added in the world economy, giving boost to the global economic growth. This is equal to the populations of UK, Germany and France taken together. (q) The BRIC countries together represents almost 42% of the worlds population; This offers a lucrative market of about 2.7 billion people to the world industries, thus making them a favourite destination for investment. These market also represents enormous future purchasing power, which is yet to be tapped. (r) Reduced reliance on foreign debt. The consistent growth rate registered by BRIC economies over the last few years has helped them repay loans taken during the period of previous economic crisis, however with the increasing FDI in these countries, the reliance on foreign debt is getting reduced. (s) Riding the roller coaster. The BRIC economies have registered consistent economic growth rate even during the economic crisis of 2008, however experts wonder that how long these economies can register positive growth rate without a dip and why these economies have not been affected by the slowdown. The world-wide slowdown in economic activities could not have a significant impact on investments in these countries. The reason identified by the experts is that as these are emerging markets with strong economic status and purchasing power, thus they have become the favourites FDI destinations, boosting their economic growth rates and increasing economic activities in these countries. 22. As per studies carried out by Goldman Sachs which predicts that India and China, respectively, will remain major global player for considerable time as suppliers of services and manufactured goods, while Brazil and Russia would emerge and established themselves as major suppliers of raw materials. Thus the BRIC economies are complementing each other with Brazil and Russia together forming the natural commodity suppliers to Indian and Chinese industries. The economic analysts at Goldman Sach released a follow up report which is further to its initial report of 2004 on BRIC. As per this report,  [9]  the number of people in BRIC countries with an income of $3,000 and above will get doubled within next three years and reach a figure of 800 million by 2020. This rise in people with an income of $ 3000 and above represents a massive increase in the middle class in these countries. This rise represent further rise in demand of commodities which will not be restricted to only basic commodities but also have an impact on the demand of expensive goods. The analysts further predicts that between 2007 and 2020, per capita GDP in Indias will quadruple in terms of US$. It further predicts that the Indian economy will overtake US economy by 2050 and BRIC nations as a bloc will overtake economies of G7 nations taken together by 2032. Vision 25. India and China both are driving the world economy, thus helping in recovery of world economies from the effects of the economic crisis and being close neighbours, have become major trading partners. The BRIC nations have exploited the global economic crisis, as a means to improve their economic relationships and co-operation with the poorer developing countries. The BRICs have considerably increased their economic presence in the African countries as well as granted loans to African countries. India has provided loans of more than $200 million at the same time China has invested approximately $4000 million as foreign direct investment. Russia and Brazil has invested more than $3000 and $4000 million in Africa. Through huge economic assistance, the BRICs are not just providing aide to these countries, but also showing their capability to provide financial help to the developing world. This has helped in improving trade ties and getting access to the markets of the poorer economie s which are likely to evolve more strongly in coming future. 26. The globalization and ever growing demand for energy and other raw material, along with the trend of outsourcing helped stimulate the BRICs economic growth. India dominating in service outsourcing sector, termed as back office of the world. Brazil and Russia have vast energy and mineral resources, and China has emerged as worlds manufacturing plant, being termed as shop floor of the world by experts. Indian economy is presently growing at the rate of 8.5% a year, and Chinas at more than 10.5%, and the combined GDP of BRIC countries is US $ 5.2 trillion in 2006 and is growing even stronger day by day. 27. The BRIC thesis proposed by Goldman Sach suggests that, India and China will emerge as the leading players in the field of services and manufactured goods, respectively, similarly Russia and Brazil will become key suppliers of raw materials thus complementing India and China. Thus BRIC countries have the potential to form a dominating economic bloc in which all members complement each other thus boosting each others growth. The BRIC forum in present form cannot be considered as a political alliance or a formal trading association. The leaders of BRIC nations have taken steps to further increase political and economic co-operation, with a view to increase their influence on major trade accords, or as a means of gaining political concessions from the US, civil nuclear deal between India and US is an apt example of success story of this policy. 28. Goldman Sachs  [10]  suggests that the economic potential of BRIC countries has the potential of making them the four most dominant economies in next three to four decades. The BRIC thesis was first proposed by Jim ONeill, global economist at Goldman Sachs. The BRIC countries together accounts for almost 40% of the population and encompass 25% of land in the world. Taken together they hold a combined GDP of approximately 16 trillion dollars. As given above, in almost every field, the BRIC countries are emerging as the leading players in the world. These countries are among the fastest growing economies and emerging markets. 29. The opportunities that the BRIC have for further economic integration in various sectors are evident. Brazil and Russia will continue their leadership roles in developing and trading natural resources, while India and China will remain global leaders in manufacturing, services and technology. All four economies have bounced back from the recession and are now sustaining the global recovery. On current trends, the groups combined share in global gross domestic product should reach 60 percent by 2050. The countries growing economic weight has turned BRIC into a formidable bloc in the new multi-polar world order. 30. The rapid expansion of the emerging economics and BRIC in particular, present both opportunities and challenges in the new world order. There are significant opportunities to form new alliances as BRIC economies present potential growth which will spread the benefits of their development and robust economy to other regional economies as well. However the BRIC economies have to maintain the sustained growth rate to catch up with the more developed economies of the world. 31. The BRICs are becoming superpowers in the economic world. There is no doubt, that they have become much more important today than ever before. But whether they would surpass the expectations is to be seen in near future. However the fact remains that BRIC economies will be playing a key role in global efforts to tackle climate change. Though, it is true that today developed economies are responsible for the majority of greenhouse gases (GHG) already in the atmosphere, however developing countries are expected to account for 75% of GHG emissions over the next 25 years. Owing to its rapid industrialisation and growth, China has emerged as the worlds second-largest emitter of carbon dioxide, and is likely to be the highest emitter by 2020 surpassing US. As per experts, its in the BRICs own interest to reduce their emissions and pollution, and to pursue a cleaner path of development. The BRICs already face a number of environmental problems, including air and water pollution, rising strains on water supplies and resource depletion. 32. Though the BRIC countries have differences on various issues, however economic experts feel that they will play a important role in international politics in near future. As the debates on the implementation of emission control by developing countries and Kyoto Protocol are still on, it is believed that the BRIC countries are the ones who will be most affected in future, and therefore should play an essential role in the new developments on these issues. But the question remains whether these countries will be able to develop an alternate world order? Will they be able to reduce the level of US presence in their own region? BRIC has successfully taken its toddler steps and it will depend on the participating countries to develop it further. 33. Indias membership of BRIC bloc and India Brazil and South Africa, IBSA bloc and its effort for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council is part of grand strategy for the evolving multi-polar world order. India has a tremendous potential to shape and influence the emerging multi-polar world order as well as playing dominant role in it, through its strategy of multi-alignment. However, it will have to be less ideologically driven and more strategically savvy to achieve this goal.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Project management success factors Essay

Housing is the critical issue in global urbanization which have a tremendous impact on the environment – both during construction and through out their. As the key element in urban development, housing plays a vital role in attaining the goal of sustainable development. Effective of project management is becoming increasingly important for sustainable housing to remain competitive in today‟s dynamic business environment. This paper attempt to establish a theoretical framework for project management success factors in sustainable housing development. Review on past literature on the subject were carried out to build the existing research works on the area and to establish critical success factors of project management best practices. At the end of this paper, a new area of managing sustainable housing for future direction of this research was identified. A list of critical success factors for project management practices for sustainable housing development was established. Keywords: Sustainable Housing, Sustainable Development Project Management, Critical Success Factors. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Housing, as human basic need, is a very important issue of people‟s everyday life. In 1948, the United Nations, in its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, stated that â€Å"everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services†¦Ã¢â‚¬  . Housing provision is one of the major challenges facing developing countries. Under the Seventh Malaysia Plan (1999-2000) and Eight Malaysia Plan (2001-2005), Malaysian governments are committed to provide adequate, affordable and quality housing for all Malaysian, particularly the low income group. This is in line with Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlement and Habitat Agenda (1996) to ensure adequate shelter for all. In order to be sustainable, housing initiatives must be economically viable, socially acceptable, technically feasible and environmentally compatible (Choguill, 2007). In the other hand, housing encompasses the immediate environment, sanitation, drainage, recreational facilities, and all other economic and social activities that make life worthwhile (Olejado, 2003). The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED, 1987) report, Our Common Future has led to a world-wide notion of the concept of sustainable development (Meldon, 1998). However, it has been argued that the history of the concept of sustainability can be traced back to the terms â€Å"stationery† or â€Å"steady state economy† used by the nineteenth century political economist (European Environment agency, 1997). Today there are over 300 published definitions of sustainable development, the products of diverse world views and competing vested interests (Moles and Kelly, 2000). Fundamentally, sustainable development addresses three major areas; I. People living today are entitled to justice and equal rights; II. Environmental degeneration must be alleviated or eliminated; and III. Future generations must not be impoverished as a result of current actions (Redclift,1987). Our Common Future explores how sustainable development â€Å"is not a fixed state of harmony but rather a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are made consistent with future as well as present needs† (Moles and Kelly, 2000). In other words, (WCED, 1987, 8) it‟s defined as â€Å"development which meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†. The Commission not only observed that environmental problems need to be addressed, but also socials problem, such as inequity, property, non-prosperity and the violation of human rights, that are related to explosive population growth and the enormous expansion of environmental harms caused by human activities. According to the Commission, solving these problems requires global economic growth whilst respecting ecological constraints (Klunder, 2004). Other studies, (Ding, 2008) defined sustainable development is as a concern of attitudes and judgment to help insure long-term ecological, social and economic growth in society. While the term of sustainable development is well known and widely used, there is no common understanding and approach for it. The perception of sustainability especially when it comes to what â€Å"needs† is regarded as important varies much by different nation and even different people with different points in time, economic, social and cultural backgrounds (Zinkernagel, 2001). The detail of what comprises sustainable development is very context – specific and the same condition and practice cannot apply everywhere. Therefore, sustainability has its diverse implications in every corner of the world and in every sector of a society (Bell and Morse, 2003). For construction sector, the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (1990) explains sustainable as directed towards the reduction of the environmental and health impacts consequent to construction, buildings and the built environment. Such construction processes would bring environmental responsibility, social awareness, and economic profitability objectives to the fore in built environment related projects (Langston and Ding, 2001). There are various definitions of sustainable housing; The European Union defined sustainable housing in the following perspective: construction (e.g. Quality of construction), social and economic factors (e.g. Affordability and psychological impacts) and ecoefficiency (e.g. Efficient use of non-renewable resources) (VROM, 2005). Previously, IHBC (1998) definitions  present the general factor of a sustainable housing practice that is applicable under various circumstances, depending on the conditions where it‟s implemented (Larasati, 2006). Basically, all these definitions were carry out the idea of Principle 15 of the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on The Human Environment: â€Å"Planning must be applied to human settlements and urbanization with a view to avoiding adverse effects on the environment and obtaining maximum social, economic and environmental benefits for all† (UNEP, 1972). A sustainable house is cost-efficient over time, comfortable, cheap to maintain and complements our unique environment (Queensland Government, 2004). â€Å"Sustainable Housing† is a new concept in developing countries and unearthing projects covering all aspects of sustainability proved to be difficult (Ebsen, 2000). For housing that make up a great proportion of building, sustainable housing could be defined as housing practices, which strive for integral quality (including economic, social, and environmental performance) in a broad way (John, Croome & Jeronimidis, 2005). The focus on sustainable housing implies a perspective of flows (Klunder, 2004). From this viewpoint, a sustainable  housing is characterized by the minimization of the environmental impacts of material use, energy consumption and water consumption during the whole service life of the building. 2.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT Malaysia is a developing country heading towards industrialization. The growths of industries bid rapid housing expansion due to the high demand from the customer. A good housing area has to fulfill the health aspect from the building, drainage, clean water supply, domestic waste management and suitable ventilation. The quality of housing and it‟s social, economic and environmental performance is critically important to sustainable development. However, the lacks of practices of project success factors in housing development activities may often bring about water, air and land pollutions thus affecting the natural environment, health and quality of  life. These issues are often raised today as problems of uncontrolled development of housing growth as concern for the environment is not considered. With this concern in mind, housing and other social services become priority in today‟s development programmes which aimed at improving the quality of life and contributing towards the formation of a caring society. However, the issue of sustainable housing are still new and not that familiar in our country. With referring back the house being built in the past decade, those houses were not meeting the essential criteria of sustainability and unfortunately, there are little to none; in depth studies for this matter. Although the homes that create may look good and be cheap to build, they are poor value if they weather poorly, have high energy and other running costs, are expensive to maintain and cannot adapt to changes in use. According to Maylor (1999) those organizations that are most resourceful in seeking out best practices and making those aspects work for them will be the most successful. Although project management has proved its success in many construction projects, there is however some problems associated with the manner in which the system has been selected and/or implemented (Noum S. et al., 2004). Here, critical factors of successful project management were establish to develop a new area of managing sustainable housing for further studies of this research to ensure its potential for future sustainability. 2.1 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Based on the problems stated above, two main questions are formed as below: 1) What are the critical factors that are required for the successful implementation of sustainable housing practices? 2) What are the critical factors project management best practices in sustainable housing development? 2.2 OBJECTIVES There are two objectives for this paper: 1) To identify factor that are required for the successful implementation of sustainable housing practice. 2) To establish the success factors that determines the best practices for project management in sustainable housing. 3) To establish guideline for project management best practices for sustainable housing. 3.0 FACTORS EFFECTING PROJECT SUCCESS Nowadays, companies are increasingly using projects in their daily work to achieve company goals. The only way organizations can be driven to achieve excellence is by keeping an eye on competition and world best practice in all aspects of the business (Bendell et. all, 1998). Recently more and more organizations are recognizing that translating corporate strategies into actions requires project management. Consequently, it is vital that projects are successful (Baccarini, 2003). Critical success factors are important influences that contribute to project success. So, critical success factors are the set of circumstances, facts or influences which contribute to the project outcomes. According to Mobey and Parker (2002), to increase the chances of a project succeeding it is necessary for the organisation to have an understanding of what are the success factors, to systematically and quantitatively assess these factors, anticipating possible causes and effects, and then choose appropriate methods of dealing with them. Once identified, the success of the project can be achieved. Generally, the success of a construction project depends on a number of factors, such as project complexity, contractual arrangements, and relationships between project participants, the competency of project managers, and the abilities of key project members (Chua et al., 1999). Bayliss, (2002) in his report said that successful project delivery requires the concerted effort of the project team to carry out the various project activities, but it is the project manager who, at the center of the project network, is responsible for orchestrating the whole construction process. Possessing the core project management competence would help to define the ability of project managers to deliver good performance towards the attainment of project success. The search for factors that influence project success has been growing interest over the past decade. Among researchers that have tried to a certain extent to identify success factors for project management are Pinto and Slevin (1987,1989), Cooke-Davis (2002), Muller and Turner (2003), Belassi and Tukel (1996) and etc. Success factors are those input to the project management system that lead directly or indirectly to the success of the project or business. Belassi and Tukel, 1996, categorized success factors into four main group. These are factors relating to the project, project managers, organization, and external environment. Others researcher, Chan et al., 2002 identify a set of project success factors; project team commitment, contractor‟s competencies, risk and liability assessment, client‟s competencies, end-users needs and constraints imposed by end user. As referred to the ten critical success factors developed by Pinto and Slevin (1986), Pinto and Mantel (1990) suggest that â€Å"these critical success factors were found to be generalisable to a wide variety of project types and organizations†. Their model is one of the most widely quoted lists of critical success factors (Muller and Turner, 2007). However a single set of project success factors may not be suitable for all industries (Lim et al, 1999; Hartman et al, 1996). Liu and Walker 1998 suggest that as industries operate differently, â€Å"a set of critical success factors may not be transferable from one project to another project†¦only generic areas can be identified and used as broad guidelines.† A comprehensive review of the literature research on success factors of project management was conducted. Table 1 gives lists of the critical success factors developed in the various literatures. Several researchers have identified the factors that significantly determine project management success. Based on the frequency analysis, the critical success factors are prioritised as shown in Table 2. Table 1. Summary of literature reviews from various author‟s for project success Author‟s Pinto & Critical Success Factors Belassi Cooke- Baccarini Andersen Hyvari Turner & Khang Slevin & Davies (1999, et al., Muller & (2002) 2003) (2006) (2005,07) Moe (1987,89) Tukel (2006) (1996) (2008) Project Understanding √ √ Top Management Support √ √ Information/Communication √ √ √ √ Client Involvement √ √ √ √ Competent Project Team √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Authority of the Project Manager/Leader Realistic Cost and Time Estimates √ Adequate Project Control √ √ √ √ √ √ Planning/Controlling Project mission /common goal √ √ Project Ownership √ √ √ √ √ √ √ feedback √ √ √ √ √ √ √ or empirical basis. Table 2: Prioritisation of CSFs Critical Success Factors Prioritised Occurrence No. Frequency of Rank 1 Competent Project Team 8 1 2 Authority of the Project Manager/Leader 6 2 3 Project Understanding 5 3 4 Top Management Support 5 3 √ √ Remark: â€Å"√ † critical success factors that is determined by the authors either on a conceptual Sr. √ √ √ Monitor performance and √ √ √ Adequate Resources √ √ √ Risk Management √ √ √ Problem Solving Abilities √ √ 5 Client Involvement 5 3 6 Project mission /common goal 5 3 7 Adequate Resources 4 4 8 Realistic Cost and Time Estimates 4 4 9 Information/Communication 4 4 10 Project Ownership 3 5 11 Monitor performance and feedback 3 5 12 Planning/Controlling 3 5 13 Risk Management 3 5 14 Adequate Project Control 2 6 15 Problem Solving Abilities 2 6 The frequency analysis in Tables 1 and 2 revealed that there are only one critical success factors in all frameworks in common which is competent project team. The analysis also showed that authority of the project manager/leader is prioritised in rank 2. The analysis further revealed that 5 out of the 8 frameworks have four critical success factors in common: Project Understanding, Top Management Support, Client Involvement and Project Mission/common goal. The Adequate Resources, Realistic Cost and Time Estimates and information/Communication success factors have their presence in forth frameworks respectively. The other critical success factors (namely, Project ownership, Monitor performance and feedback, Planning/Controlling and Risk Management) are presented in very few frameworks (Table 1 and 2). Meanwhile, the other two factors were not commonly found in the literature which is adequate project control and problem solving abilities. 4.0 FACTORS OF PROJECT SUCCESS FOR SUSTAINABLE HOUSING The subject of project management is vast and numerous authors continuously add to the body of literature on the subject. According to the Project Management Institute (2004), the discipline of project management can be defined as follows: Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction. Project management best practices may be described as optimum way of performing work to achieve high performance (Ramabadron et all., 1997). According to Dey (2002), current project management practices of organizations in the industry sector do not always ensure success. The main problems with projects planning and implementation have been cost and time overruns and quality non-achievement. Dey (2002) stated that the main contributing factors are: ï‚ · Expansion of the scope and subsequent quality increases of input resources; ï‚ · Engineering and design changes; ï‚ · Underestimation and incorrect estimation and ï‚ · Unforeseen inflation ï‚ · Project size and complexity and etc. Dey, (2002) illustrates projects management growing popularity has stimulated interest in how companies compare in their application of project management process, tools and techniques. Successful project management can contribute towards project success but is unlikely to be able to prevent project failure (de Wit, 1988). The various variables affecting the success factors are identified in the  previous section. There are Project Understanding, Top Management, Support Communication, Client Involvement, Competent Project Team, Authority of Top Level, Realistic Cost and Time Estimates, Adequate Project Control, Problem Solving Abilities, Risk Management, Adequate Resources, Planning/Controlling, Monitor performance and feedback, Project mission /Common goal, and Project Ownership. Furthermore, a new conceptual framework that includes the indentified variables of project success is shown in Fig. 1. Its show that variables project success can influence a variable of criteria measuring sustainable housing. Figure 1: Framework of Project Management Success Factors in Sustainable Housing. Project Management Success Factor Criteria Measuring Sustainable Housing: Competent Project Team Authority of the Project Manager/Leader Project Understanding Top Management Support Client Involvement Project mission /common goal Adequate Resources Realistic Cost and Time Estimates Information/Communication Project Ownership Monitor performance and feedback Planning/Controlling Risk Management Adequate Project Control Problem Solving Abilities ï‚ · Energy Efficiency ï‚ · Use of Materials ï‚ · Water Efficiency ï‚ · Disposal ï‚ · Site Issues ï‚ · Green ï‚ · Traffic ï‚ · Outdoor environment and Indoor environment Project Management Success Factors in Sustainable Housing – Economically ; are cost-efficient over the lifespan of the dwelling – Environmental/Ecology ; are resource efficient in terms of materials, waste, water and energy – Social/Community ; are safe, flexible and comfortable for people with varying abilities * Critical success factor of project management were establish to come out the best practices in new area in Sustainable Housing. An extensive literature survey on sustainable housing also has been carried out to select criteria measurement frameworks for this study. The relevant literature has revealed that different researchers have adopted similar sustainability criteria‟s framework that consider on three basic themes of the sustainable construction; social, environmental, and economic. Below, there are a few literatures findings in term of criteria of measuring sustainable housing: 1. Winston (2007) have carried out some important characteristics of sustainable housing include: sustainable land-use planning; resisting scattered settlements; housing close to employment and public transport; higher residential densities; sustainable construction; high standards of energy efficiency in use of dwellings; housing availability, affordability and quality; access to green space, and a high quality residential environment. Many sustainable building indicator sets are derived from conceptual models (Winston and Pareja, 2008). 2. Blaauw (1997), the following environmental theme are derived from a workbook for sustainable building and housing: Energy, Use of Materials, Water, Disposal, Site, Green, Traffic, Outdoor environment and Indoor environment. 3. Building Environmental Science & Technology (B.E.S.T), formulated residential green building guidelines: Emphasize the reduce, recycle, re-use, renewable; use energy, water and resource efficiently; healthy indoor air quality; building has affordable community; development creates a sense of well-being; the home remains reasonably affordable and cost effective. 4. (Bennett and James, 1999) Effective sustainability measurement should consider the complete triple bottom line of economic, environmental, and societal performance which is: a) Social Sustainability ï‚ · Healthy internal environment ï‚ · Safety (personal, household and environmental) ï‚ · Provision of social amenity ï‚ · Provision of recreation amenity ï‚ · Accessibility to jobs and amenities b) Economic Sustainability ï‚ · Cost efficient over time ï‚ · Adaptability with min. cost ï‚ · Affordability ï‚ · Job creations and local economy c) Environmental Sustainability ï‚ · Energy efficiency ï‚ · Water efficiency/Conservation ï‚ · Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions ï‚ · Waste management / recycling ï‚ · Material efficiency ï‚ · Pollution prevention– noise, water, air ï‚ · Optimization & conservation of land ï‚ · Protect and enhance biodiversity ï‚ · Reduction of car dependency 5. Green Building Manual from the US Department of Energy (DOE) & Public Technology, Inc. (PTI) include the following points: ï‚ · Site Issues: selection of building sites, landscaping, watershed, site materials and equipment ï‚ · Building Design: building systems (heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems) and indoor environmental quality ï‚ · Construction Process ï‚ · Operations & Maintenance ï‚ · Economics & Environment: energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, construction costs, building maintenance & management savings. For the purpose of this research, eight aspects of criteria sustainability that can be used to analyze sustainable housing , were derived from the six environmental themes that are distinguished The National Measures for Sustainable Building (Hendriks, 2001): ï‚ · Energy: reducing the demand for energy, promoting the use of sustainable energy resources and using energy efficiently ï‚ · Materials: more efficient use of materials, reducing waste and removing it responsibly ï‚ · Water: reducing water usage, preventing land drying up, and protecting water quality ï‚ · Indoor Environment: improving air quality, improving thermal comfort, and reducing noise levels. ï‚ · Surrounding Environment: supporting bio-diversity, strengthening the perception of the environment (including maintaining old townscapes) and reducing nuisance (noise, wind, odor) ï‚ · Miscellaneous: improving the flexibility of the home with regard to accommodating new functions and improving safety It is expected that study of project management best practices in the extent of project success could lead toward meeting criteria of sustainable housing. This approach in sustainable housing area will provide much needed information to local authorities to take more effective control of housing issues. 5.0 CONCLUSION The implementation of success factors for project management in sustainable housing is important in other to ensure project success. Apparently, the sustainable housing is one of the major contributors to the development of any country. Unfortunately, in our country Malaysia, the issue of sustainable housing development is still new and not yet the proactive action had been taken to develop the housing sector in sustainable way. Thus, this research is proposed to identify success factors for project management in sustainable housing area. At the end of this paper, a new area of managing sustainable housing for future direction of this research will identified. A list of critical success factors from various authors for project management success for sustainable housing development in Malaysia was established. 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