Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Beginning Of Human Flight Essays - Aviation, Aeronautics
The Beginning Of Human Flight The Beginning of Human Flight The Wright Brothers were interested in flying since their childhood. Bishop Wright, their father, gave them a toy helicopter when they were young and ever since they have been interested in aviation. The Wright Brothers are famous for their invention of the airplane, or the flying machine as it was called then. The first flight of the plane occurred on December 17, 1903. This was just the turn of the century, yet the Wright Brothers invented something that would last forever. This was in fact the case. This flight would spark a race of technology that has taken us from into the air to flying into space. This also launched the aviation and the space age. The airplane is a major role in the world. The plane made traveling overseas easier and quicker. The plane was a useful tool in both of the World Wars. The airplane was a major part of the weapon and attacking strategy for all the countries with this technology. They say the Wright Brothers borrowed ideas of others in order to reach their goal. It doesnt matter because they accomplished their desire to fly. Today aircraft are truly monsters compared to the Wright Flyer. The invention of the plane changed the world as we know it. It erased miles and brought people closer together, and uniting and diversifying the world as we know it. It went from novel toy for the daring to a tool of destruction. It brings life saving food, medical supplies, and clothing to those in need. It can carry us to any point on the globe and bring us back. The Wright Brothers had a dream and the made it happen. No matter how many times they were told no it wouldnt work, they kept going and climbing to be the best and to fly. The research on the Wright Brothers was conducted mostly at Joyner Library. Also some of the information was obtained from the Internet. Joyner Library had most all the information on the Wright Brothers there is. Newspaper from the 1903 on microfilm were read to see the first hand accounts from that time. Books were read to get the second hand accounts. The picture from the Internet were very important on creating the exhibit. The exhibit was created by showing the things that evolved and the changes that occurred by the invention of the plane. History Essays
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Dental Fillings and Mercury Poison essays
Dental Fillings and Mercury Poison essays When you go to the dentist to get a cavity filled, the dentist will usually use an amalgam filling. The reason most dentists use this and do not give you an option is because they are very much cheaper than your other choices. Theses amalgam fillings may be cheaper but they can really cause you some health problems. In most, but not all cases the mercury in the fillings will leach into your body and cause major problems. In my case, they were causing me to have seizures. After the mercury was removed from my body, my seizures ended, and my overall health was better. I was not tired or moody as I was before. I feel like a whole new person. Many of people have come to me and said that they could tell on my face and the way I talk that I have changed. Many studies are being done to see what all health problems the amalgam fillings are causing. A study done in Canada states that "the dental mercury released by amalgam dental fillings did, in fact, present a health risk, and a tolerable daily intake (TDI) was recommended to be .014 micrograms of mercury per kilogram of body weight per day." The report also recommended limits to the number of fillings a person should have; 1 filling in toddlers, one filling in children, three fillings in teens and four fillings in adults and seniors. The mercury that is swallowed with saliva can be as much as hundreds of micrograms per day for individuals with a large number of amalgam fillings. A study was done on sheep, pregnant ewes, and their unborn babies, by the University Of Calgary School Of Medicine. They placed amalgam fillings in the chewing surface of molar teeth and traced into body tissue. They found within two days that mercury was found in the maternal blood, amniotic fluid, and fetal blood. Mercury was also found in the tissues of the mothers and babies. The levels of mercury in the tissue continued to rise throughout the study. A study done on pregnant monkeys found to have the ea...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Compel, Impel, and Propel
Compel, Impel, and Propel Compel, Impel, and Propel Compel, Impel, and Propel By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Would you explain the differences among compel, impel, and propel. Here is an instance that I read:â€Å"†¦I find myself returning again and again to the question of what compels us - what propels us - to record our impressions of the present moment in all their fragile subjectivity.†The pel in compel, impel, and propel derives from the Latin verb pellere, â€Å"to drive,†as in the way one drives sheep, forcing them to go in a certain direction. compel: transitive verb. To urge irresistibly, oblige, force. â€Å"The police compelled the motorist to stop.†impel: transitive verb. To drive, force, or constrain a person to some action by acting upon her mind or feelings; to urge on, incite. In a literal sense, impel means to cause something to move onward. An engine, for example, impels a vehicle. propel: transitive verb. To drive away or out. to drive or push forwards, onwards, or in a specified direction; to cause to move along. Figuratively, propel means â€Å"to encourage or promote an enterprise or activity.†One can â€Å"propel a person†in the sense of urging or spurring him on. In the example provided by the readerwhat compels uswhat propels usto record our impressions, both compel and propel convey the idea of being driven to do something. Compel conveys the idea that the person is being forced to do it; propel shows that the person is encouraged to do it by the same â€Å"what†that forces him to do it. Three other pellere verbs in English are: dispel: to drive asunder, scatter expel: to drive out repel: to push or thrust away Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Structure A Story: The Eight-Point ArcDisappointed + PrepositionThe Two Sounds of G
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Computer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Computer - Assignment Example hat did not want to spend a lot on their learning management system and would be able to delegate employees to run the system while blackboard was found to be appropriate for the institutions that had the money to buy the best learning system. The institution customized learning system required the institution to create the learning system from scratch but it was also a costly venture but it would cater for the system needs since it was tailored specifically for the system. In conclusion it was found that virtual learning systems are now very important in learning institutions, for it operate smoothly and to prevent the cumbersome old traditional methods that used to give instructors and students a hard time. Santiago et al (2007) enumerates that various studies have shown that achieving a satisfying learning environment and teaching frame work requires the use of open source learning platforms and virtual learning environments. They are therefore critical for learning institutions. Rosenberg (2001) further states that online training and learning platforms is a viable mode of instruction. But virtual learning packages should not be a replication of in class training. Structure can vary but the needs of the students should be first and foremost in the delivering training through virtual learning environments and open source platforms. Open source software is made up of broad reaching movement of individuals who create a platform that is available to all and can be modified by anyone. It promotes sharing and modification of the software by the individuals who access it and have an interest in it. The main difference between open source and virtual learning environment propriety systems is that propriety software have property rights that is they have patents and have restrictions and conditions imposed by the software license. In open source learning software users are granted the rights to both program’s functionality and methodology, with propriety software
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Tharsymachus View of Justice in The Republic Essay
Tharsymachus View of Justice in The Republic - Essay Example Philosophy started and developed in ancient Greece. The development and advancement achieved in the field of philosophy by Greeks is amazing. There are many great names in this field but three names standout. All of these three great sages are connected with each other as teacher and student. Socrates was the teacher of Plato and Plato the teacher of Aristotle. Socrates did not write anything. His able student Plato wrote the ideas of Socrates in his famous book â€Å"The Republic†. The book starts with the discussion of the effects of old age and how people feel. From this point the discussion moves on to the idea of justice. At first the idea of justice is equated with honesty. This idea is rejected by Socrates on the ground that it is impossible to be just and honest at the same time. The idea is further discussed and Polemarchus states that justice is helping friends and harming enemies but this argument is rejected on the basis that a good person can do no harm to anyone. This definition is partly accepted as it is right to help friends. After rejecting the above mentioned definitions of justice Thrasymachus is very much annoyed. According to him Socrates is not answering any question and only posing questions. This is easy but the real task is to answer the question. Socrates defends his position by stating that since he does not know therefore it is difficult for him to answer and only with the help of learned people like Thrasymachus the answer to the question may be given. Thrasymachus is represented as a Sophist and in typical Sophist’s style he asks for money. Sophists were the first who charged money for education and they were the teachers who used to teach philosophy and rhetoric to young Greeks. Thrasymachus also wants money for his answer as he states that he can answer the question. The whole company along with Socrates pleads Thrasymachus to state the definition of justice and not worry about money. Thrasymachus states that justi ce is that which serves the interests of the stronger. Socrates finds the definition unclear and therefore he asks questions from Thrasymachus. In order to make the point clear, Thrasymachus states that there are different forms of governments i.e. aristocracy, democracy and tyranny. There are different laws governing these states and in all of them it is just to abide by these laws and unjust to break them. Since laws are made by rulers keeping in view their own interests therefore laws are for the interest of the rulers. From this it is obvious that justice is the interest of the strong. Everyone acts for one’s own benefit and therefore it is natural that strong will act for his own interest. Since government is the strongest of all therefore whatever it makes it will be for the betterment of government. For Thrasymachus here government is equal to strong therefore he believes that justice is the interest of the strong. Superficially this definition seems to be right as wha tever a person does it seems just and right to him therefore he is acting in that particular manner but this is very weak and unrealistic approach to define justice. The objection on this argument came from Socrates. He contends that it is possible for rulers to make error therefore it is also possible that the laws made by them may not always be in the favor of strong. Unintentionally the strong can make laws in the interest of weak. This is possible due to faulty thinking of strong. Thrasymachus rejects this by stating that he considers ruler in perfect state. If ruler is making mistake then he is no more ruler. By stating this Thrasymachus again repeats his view that justice is for the interest of strong. For him the ruler is in perfect state and he cannot make mistake. Whatever law such perfect ruler will make it will be for his interest therefore justice will serve the interest of the strong. At this point the position of Thrasymachus looks strong and clear. He seems to
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Eliminating Genetically Modified Foods Essay Example for Free
Eliminating Genetically Modified Foods Essay What comes to mind when reading the words genetic modification or Bacillus thurigiensis (abbreviated Bt)? I envision laboratories and science experiments, when in reality these words are related to the food we eat every day. What most Americans do not know is the threat that genetically modified food presents to our communities. PLU should do everything in its power to ensure that its students and faculty members are not exposed to genetically modified foods and crops that have been â€Å"protected†through the usage of Bt that has been artificially incorporated into crops, at least while eating on campus. We also need to educate those individuals about the truths of genetic modification and how it can potentially harm the lives of our generation and those to come. After all, PLU’s slogan is â€Å"educating for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care – for other people for their communities and for the earth. †If we can raise awareness of genetic modification on campus, we can help spread the importance of eliminating it to the rest of our community. Researchers have recently found that genetically modified foods have more baggage than advertised, baggage such as the risk of formation of allergies, exposure to toxins in herbicides, and a significant reduction in nutritional value. The genetic modification of crops began in the 1980s and has been growing in popularity ever since. In 1994, researchers successfully genetically modified tomatoes for human consumption. The genetic modification involved deleting a gene which produced the enzyme polygalacturonase which helps in fruit softening. This meant that the tomatoes could ripen on the vine but not spoil by the time they reached the store (â€Å"Tomatoes†). Tomatoes are no longer genetically modified, but are instead made to postpone ripening when the green tomato is picked; they are then taken to a processing plant and â€Å"artificially gassed with ethylene until they are the rosy-red skin tones of a ripe tomato†(Estabrook p. x). Seeing the words gassed and ethylene in the same context as human consumption seems concerning. Unfortunately, many Americans are unaware of how their food has been treated when they are consuming it. Some produce is â€Å"too good to be true†because they seem perfect, without a blemish or bruise, not to mention free from flavor. But, I now know that this is due to gasses that act as a sort of make-up. The tomatoes in PLU’s commons are unsatisfactory in taste, but impeccable in terms of looks. This leads me to think that PLU is purchasing out of season, gassed tomatoes that are bred to be green, as opposed to better quality organically grown produce. This brings nutritional value into question. In a study conducted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, â€Å"100 grams of fresh tomato today has 30 percent less vitamin C, 30 percent less thiamin, 19 percent less niacin, and 62 percent less calcium than it did in the 1960s,†not to mention fourteen times as much sodium (Estabrook p. x). Who would have thought that an individual’s sky rocketing levels of sodium was not only from McDonalds french fries, but also from what they thought of as a healthy alternative, a tomato bought from the grocery store. Parents are unknowingly buying these tomatoes with the intention of feeding their children something healthy, but in reality they are being undermined by the U. S. Agricultural System. What really is genetic modification? It can be defined as: â€Å"organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques†(Genetically Modified). According to Assistant Professor Romey Haberle, these types of â€Å"genetic engineering techniques†include the usage of either a gene gun or a natural vector, which sounds just as bad as the ethylene gas previously stated. A gene gun is just that, a gun. Its purpose is to inject cells with specific genetic information into plants or other cells. Natural vector is the usage of DNA cells as a means of transportation into a plant’s cells. The DNA cells contain other specific and modified cells that are foreign to the plant in which it is being injected. These two types of genetic engineering are used to produce specific plants that can have special immunities to certain insecticides, or even to alter the crops’ general composition. Guns and natural vectors are the most common ways of studying and performing genetic modification in today’s agricultural world. â€Å"Bacillus thurigiensis (Bt) is an insecticide with unusual properties that make it useful for pest control in certain situations†(W. S. Cranshaw). An insecticide is a poison designed for insects. In the past it was usually sprayed over fields in an effort to reduce the amount of crops lost to insects. There has recently been in increase in the amount of crops that have this toxin genetically modified to into its DNA, making it impossible to wash off or get rid of. Unfortunately, the crops resist the effects but the toxin is still present on crops as they grow and are picked. Bt works by â€Å"producing proteins that react with the cells of the gut lining within insects†¦these proteins then paralyze the digestive system, and the infected insect stops feeding within hours†(W. S. Cranshaw). In short, Bt causes the insect to die from starvation since their digestive tract is unable to digest. This makes me question the safety of using this product within proximity of humans since it specifically attacks the gut lining of the digestive system. An unfortunate incident with Bt in the Philippines almost caused 100 members of a community to become ill. A crop within close proximity to their area of living had been sprayed with Bt. This crop was then pollinated, filling the air with pollen. The town’s people began to show symptoms of headaches, dizziness, extreme stomach pain, vomiting, chest pains, fever, and allergies plus respiratory, intestinal and skin reactions. Trying to get to the root of the problem, blood tests proved that 39 of the victims showed an anti-body response to the Bt-toxin. This means that the Bt toxin had traveled from the crops to their internal systems. Other villagers also encountered animal deaths from the same problems (Lendman p. 7). This shows that Bt is not suitable for human consumption or human contact. My concern is that PLU will purchase and serve food that has this same toxin present. Yes, the chances of this happening are rare, but we can eliminate the risk altogether by purchasing non-genetically modified produce that has not been exposed to the Bt toxin. PLU’s dining services do a great job of offering fresh and healthy foods for all meals of the day. Each menu is clearly labeled as to whether its food is all natural – grown without fertilizers or pesticides, locally grown, vegan – free from all animal products, vegetarian, or organic. However, organic is rarely seen. The most common labels seen are the locally grown and all natural labels, but it is usually only next to the grilled or sliced chicken breast. PLU should make an effort to move away from genetically modified foods and begin advertising the elimination of engineered foods on the menus. We could do this by allotting more of our food budget to buying organically grown food. We know that to be labeled as â€Å"organic†a farm has to adapt to specific regulations such as not utilizing pesticides or other harmful preservatives and of course, to stay away from genetically modified seeds or plants. I believe that most PLU students are aware of the benefits of organically grown produce but I do not think they are educated as to the benefits of eating non-genetically modified foods. PLU recently had food and water seminars, these seminars present a perfect opportunity to speak and educate about the negatives of eating genetically modified food in order to educate them to help others and make the right decisions for our earth. Most PLU students are interested in the environment and doing what we can to ensure sustainability, this includes the usage of harmful pesticides to our environment. By eating organic we can make a small impact in reducing the amount of non-organic produce bought and distributed. We also reduce the possibility of consuming these same pesticides that pose a threat to our atmosphere by avoiding them all together. By educating the students at PLU about the potential hazards that genetically modified food can present we can influence and encourage the right decisions to be made, the decision of going organic and avoiding genetic modification at all costs. The controversy of golden rice is one that has caused much disagreement within the world of genetic modification. Golden rice is a genetically engineered grain that is being used to â€Å"help fight vitamin A deficiency in the developing world, a disease that contributes to the deaths of 8 million young children in the world†(Ronald). Although this statistic demonstrates the drastic improvement of the overall health in the most underdeveloped parts of the world, it fails to include the â€Å"massive changes in the natural functioning of a plants DNA. Native genes can be mutated, deleted, permanently turned on or off and the inserted gene can become truncated, fragmented, mixed with other genes, inverted or multiplied, and the GM protein it produces may have unintended characteristics†(Lendman p. 2) that could compromise the health of the individual or community consuming it. Researchers have failed to imply the potential harmful effects on gut function, liver function, kidney function, the immune system, endocrine system, blood composition, allergic response and even the potential to cause cancer because of the mutilated DNA that is being ingested by our bodies every time we eat genetically modified foods. Researchers are so quick to glorify the one added nutrient to golden rice that they forget, or rather choose to not advertise the adverse and undesired side effects that could come from eating rice that has a complex and unnatural DNA. Yes, vitamin A deficiency is a real and prominent problem in today’s underdeveloped nations, but solving the problem with genetically altered â€Å"golden rice†presents the risks of forming allergies, being exposed to toxins such as pesticides, and ultimately causing cancer. Instead of investing most of our resources and money into genetically modifying vitamin A into rice, we could donate it to charities that provide food to those underdeveloped countries that are impoverished and are in need of proper nutrition. Allergies seem to be more and more common in today’s society. I too, have been directly impacted. One of my best friends from my junior high and high school years has a deathly peanut and soybean allergy. She constantly carries around an epinephrine auto-injector, abbreviated â€Å"epi-pen,†that she is required to use if she comes into contact with any kind of nut. We find ourselves constantly reading labels and isolating what she can and cannot eat, a practice which is tedious and inconvenient. Her soybean allergy is not as prevalent as her peanut allergy, but it is still concerning. She had an experience of eating an ice cream popsicle, in which she took two bites and her lips started to swell with red hives. Even after carefully analyzing the ingredient list, she still had a reaction to some kind of soybean that had been present within one of the ingredients. Soybeans are present in many foods, and 93% of the soybeans used in the U. S.are genetically modified (â€Å"Genetically Modified†). They are created to withstand herbicides used to kill weeds. This means that 93% of the soybeans used in food across America have the herbicides glyphosate or glufosinate within them since they are modified to resist the harmful effects that the weeds encounter when they are sprayed with a herbicide, the same herbicide that is designed to kill insects and weeds. Our bodies are not meant to ingest these harmful herbicides, so some children react adversely to soybeans that have been genetically altered. Nut allergies seem to be the most common allergy in today’s communities. â€Å"From 1997 to 2007, the prevalence of reported food allergy increased 18% among children under age 18†(Prevalence). This increase in food allergies seems to directly mimic the pattern of genetically modified food’s rise in popularity. Is this comparison ironic? I do not think so. PLU’s ability to specifically mark the types of allergens present in each meal is very important to the rising of today’s allergies that so many young adults are affected by. â€Å"As of 2012 there are many outgoing court cases and FDA investigation into genetically modified foods†(Genetically Modified). There is obviously a concern for the welfare of our communities and the production of genetically modified foods, and PLU should take into consideration the recent increase in food allergies in children, the push for organically grown food, the lost nutrition, and the potential for cancer development. By educating the minds of PLU students about the harmful effects genetically modified food presents to society we can promote for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care both for others and for our planet. These contributors all add up to one conclusion: the reduction or elimination of genetically modified food in our diets. I do not want to pick up the baggage that genetically modified food carries, do you? Works Cited Cranshaw, W. S. Bacillus Thuringiensis. Colorado State University Extension. Dec. 2008. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. http://www. ext. colostate. edu/pubs/insect/05556. html. Estabrook, Barry. Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel, 2011. Print. Genetically Modified Food. 20 Mar. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Genetically_modified_food. Lendman, Stephen. Centre for Research on Globalization. GlobalResearch. ca. 22 Feb. 2008. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. http://www. globalresearch. ca/index. php? context=va. Prevalence of Food Allergies in Todays World. 23 Mar. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2012. http://allergicchild. com/prevalence. html. Ronald, Pamela. What If Organic Farmers Joined Forces with Genetic Engineers? July 2008: 35-38. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. Tomatoes. GMO Compass. 27 Nov. 2006. Web. 17 Apr. 2012. http://www. gmo- compass. org/eng/grocery_shopping/fruit_vegetables/15. genetically_modified_tomatoes. html.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Case Study in a Correctional Facility Essay -- Management
This case study focuses on a scenario describing the experience of Leon Smith, a fictional rookie correctional officer (CO) in a large jail in a Midwestern industrial city. Smith observed that the inmates in the jail were always talking about their criminal successes, and that many of them seemed eager (in a surreptitious way) to share intelligence information with CO’s. Rookie Smith was excited by the possibility of collecting intelligence in the jail and passing this on to law enforcement. Smith had ambitions of one day working in homicide investigations, and thought that sharing intelligence from the jail would both further his ambition, as well as a noble goal of helping law enforcement apprehend criminals and perhaps even terrorists. Smith became disillusioned, however, as he began to observe that his fellow COs were well aware of the ready availability of the information, but were not interested in much of what occurred outside of their immediate work sphere. In fact, they seemed more interested in their own particular shift or what went on inside of the jail. Smith learned more about his peers when speaking with his Shift Sergeant Griswold, who expressed the point of view that all inmates are liars. Griswold also stated that CO’s are not cops and that law enforcement would not want to hear from them, even if it was useful information. Griswold stressed this point by saying his Lieutenant would say the same thing if he brought intelligence to him. This scenario provides examples of barriers to communication, the strength of informal organizational socialization, a possible good application of linking pins to share information across work units, and opportunity to improve communication . Each will be discuss... ...covers†for a meeting to disclose intelligence. Fro incentives and motivation , we will need to develop protocols for working with the DA to reduce time served based upon inmate participation in the intelligence cycle. If reduction in time served is not possible, there may be other perks which can be provided to the inmate for their cooperation. References Conger, J. A. (1998). The necessary art of persuasion. Harvard Business Review,76 (3) , 85-95. Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2008). Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management (4th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/ Thomson Learning, Inc. Tannen, D. (1995). The power of talk: Who gets heard and why. Harvard Business Review, 73 (5), 138-148. Toch, H. (1978). Is a â€Å"correctional officer†, by any other name, a â€Å"screw†? Criminal Justice Review, 3, 19-35.†¨
Monday, November 11, 2019
My Personality And Educational Background Education Essay
IntroductionThis essay will ab initio pull a secret plan on my personality and educational background, subsequently on it will concentrate on what motivated me to analyze the Masters Degree at Bangor Business School consisting assorted motive theories. Learning manners and attacks will bespeak the manner I will larn to carry through the top accomplishment in the grade. I will set about a group coursework following this assignment, therefore I will draw out all bing every bit good as possible issues that may originate in the group work and will bespeak effectual and possible solutions. Finally I will pull a decision.BackdropStudy is one my favorite avocations. The household surroundings I have been raising up could non offer a great sum of wealth but encouraged me going ambitious for being Highly Educated. In 2003, after completing ‘A ‘level from Bangladesh I got admitted in Sunderland University and obtained BSC in Computer Applications. In June 2006 I started my first ca lling in a medium sized package house as a alumnus IT coder. Boredom caught me overnight due to luck of societal ambiance in that profession except interaction with machines. And as an extrovert individual, I enjoy societal interactions non merely in personal life but besides at work-place ; desire to ‘work with pleasance ‘ and eager to pursuit imaginativenesss in gesture. ( Eysenck ( 1970, 1990 ) ) After carry throughing a thoughtful consideration, I determined my future calling in banking sector as I ever had a acute involvement in the economic system, the concern and finance universe in general. Besides I gathered experience while analyzing in Sunderland University, from a short term employment at Barclays Bank Plc where I found a societal touch of mixing with new people and discovered my superb interpersonal and communicating accomplishments ; which trigger my purpose of fall ining Nationwide, the largest edifice society in the universe ( History ( Nationwide Building Society, 2010 ) ) , in January 2007. Since so I have been carry oning assorted managerial functions with great successes ; and late I have started gaining a concern & A ; direction oriented Masters Degree making can pitch up my calling in banking sector even further.Motivation factors to analyze the Masters Degree at Bangor UniversityHarmonizing to Huczynski & A ; Buchanan ( 2007 ) , human motive can be influen ced from assorted discrete but related positions. It is a cognitive decision-making procedure to take a end ; to accomplish that desired end our behaviors ever force, as we born with some unconditioned biological equipment. Such as, thrusts which are outstanding demands for being, which involve of holding O, H2O, nutrient, shelter, heat, and sex. Likewise some other demands can besides be categorised as thrusts after carry throughing innate demands which includes avidity for geting cognition, aspiration, love, and passion. These demands besides can drive a individual carry oning assorted hard undertakings. In my context, likewise other demands in thrusts class, avidity for geting cognition and being ambitious for highest making had driven me one time to go abroad in young person and same inherent aptitude encouraged me one time once more to get even higher making at Bangor. The aforesaid construct will be clearer by Maslow ‘s ( 1943 ) Content theory of Motivation which focuses on what ends persons seek and so provides agencies to accomplish those desired results. Content theory describes nine different types of motivations or demands, which drive persons to accomplish their ends. Those demands are categorised as biological, safety, association, esteem, cognizing and understanding, aesthetics, transcendency, freedom of question and look, and self-actualization. Notably, esteem and self-actualization demands encourage an person for being confident to develop his full potency. Taking Maslow ‘s Content theory into history, I strongly see myself, an person who is motivated by the influence of self-esteem and self-actualization, and who has utmost assurance and avidity to boom his full potency in existent. Therefore, my apprehension was taking an admittance in Bangor University in MBA in Banking and finance would carry through my expected end and would din my potency. There is a adage â€Å" taking right determination in right minute is another cardinal component to accomplish ends †. ‘Why people choose to accomplish certain ends? ‘ the reply will be ‘cognitive-decision doing procedure influences us to take the ends, since we are purposive in nature ‘ . Based on Vroom ‘s ( 1964 ) , Expectancy theory of motive which explains person ‘s behavior is driven by outlook. And outlook work in concurrence with high value of expected result. Correspondingly, a high outlook of accomplishing a top making every bit good as huge cognition in a specific country ( e.g. banking and finance ) , enormously influenced me to fall in in a Masters Programme at Bangor University, such a well-reputed establishment. Finally, societal influence is another major factor that motivates persons towards a end to accomplish. Based on Herzberg ‘s ( 1966, 1968 ) occupation enrichment theory of motive which focuses on how satisfaction influences an person to be motivated. In this theory two basic elements are widely discussed. One, intrinsic wagess are valued results which are controlled by single, such as feelings of satisfaction and victory. The intrinsic wages we can obtain by executing our expected activities. For case, some people like adventuresome and electrifying activities, such as mountain mounting, Bungee-jumping, sky-diving and so on ; those people volitionally perform such hazardous and dangerous activities for their ain pleasance. Most of the clip, the same doctrine is being followed by some other persons ; like, scientists, poets, writers, instrumentalists, and painters. I wholly comply with aforesaid theory in my personal context. For case, if I can finish the Masters Degree accompli shing expected consequence ( for illustration, differentiation ) , I will be mentally blessed of believing my all difficult plants have been paid off. This cherished feeling may trip my motive one time once more to prosecute myself for even farther faculty member every bit good as calling patterned advance, as it occurred before choosing Masters Programme at Bangor. Two, Extrinsic wagess are valued results within the control of others, such as acknowledgment, improvement and money. In my state of affairs, a concern related Masters Degree can speed up my calling patterned advance, and for non holding a concern background, my farther calling patterned advance in banking industry was in inquiry. Once I realised this affair I was intentionally believing of supplying a span across my experience and instruction. This realization steadfastly motivated me taking portion into MBA in Banking and Finance at Bangor University to run up in future calling ; which would offer me extrinsic wagess i n close hereafter such as, better calling chance, publicity, higher wage, celebrity, etc.Personal Learning manners and attacksHarmonizing to Huczynski & A ; Buchanan ( 2007 ) , Learning is the procedure of achieving cognition thorough experience which leads to a defying alteration in behavior. In psychological science, acquisition is one of the most fundamental every bit good as argumentative subjects. Because it is really hard to explicate ‘how do we larn ‘ , we can non see what goes indoors our caput, but it merely reflects when our behavior alterations. Besides sometimes, experiences may be the agencies of behavior alterations. On the other manus, our apprehensions are in a changeless province of development. We can larn things from milieus without recognizing that we have merely leant. It in my context, the first twenty-four hours when I moved in Bangor, I was non cognizant of about the university location, locations of talk theaters, how to register for the class. B ut in the really short period of clip, I managed to larn everything from milieus and experiences. Peoples ‘s larning manner varies, but there is a common acquisition rhythm called, ‘Kolb ‘s Learning Cycle ‘ , ab initio proposed by Kurt Lewin ( 1946, reproduced in 1948 ) , a German-american psychologist who got that thought from control technology, which subsequently on popularised by David Kolb ( 1984 ) . This Learning Cycle comprises four correlative elements demoing how people learn new things. One: people gain experiences from assorted happenings, two: every bit shortly as happening occurred people start detecting ; which reflects in their head repeatedly, three: so people start bring forthing general constructs of that happening, four: eventually people use already-gained constructs or experiences for future experiment. Again people have different manners to follow with aforesaid larning rhythm. Based on Kolb ‘s ( 1984 ) work, Honey and Mumford ( 1986 ) developed a Learning Style Questionnaire. Using that research questionnaire they identified four different acquisition manners which vary single wise. One: Militant, who ever eager to larn something new, two: Reflector, who wants to take clip and believe about the subject before larning anything new, three: Theorist, who wants to calculate out the correlativity between old and new constructs before acquisition, four: Pragmatist, who wants to experiment the subject before larning anything new utilizing already-gained experiences. ( See Figure-1 ) Figure-1: The Lewinian Experiential Learning Model ( after Kolb, 1984, p21 ) with the linked Honey and Mumford Learning Styles in italics ( Honey and Mumford, 1986 ) ( Learning Styles ( The Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre, 2010 ) ) After researching on Kolb ‘s Learning Cycle in concurrence with Honey and Mumford ‘s Learning Styles, I consider myself a scholar who learns utilizing multi-styles. For case, I am an empirical scholar who largely learns from experience and ever eager to larn something new as an Activist ; however I take clip and believe about the subject before larning, like a Reflector ; so I start bring forthing basic constructs before tilting anything new, like a Theorist ; and eventually I would wish to experiment the new subject based on my already-gained constructs in real-life scenario before larning, like a Pragmatist. In inquiry of ‘learning attacks ‘ , based on Biggs ( 1999 ) and Butler ( 1993 ; 1994 ; 1995 ) research, there are three different sort of attacks to larning. One: Surface attack that involves implicitly larning the fact and memorizing it without minimizing the significance, which frequently leads desultory when reproduces the similar subject for appraisal. Two: Deep attack to larning that involves critical rating and good understanding the grass-root of the fact in concurrence with empirical constructs as person can decide if any different contexts arise. In a sense, Deep learners ever seek for the significance ; therefore it offers a life-long apprehension of the fact. Three: Strategic attack ( SCL ; Butler, 1993 ; 1994 ; 1995 ) to larning involves utilizing an organized manner to finish the undertaking on clip and accomplishing expected success. As Strategic scholars are ever achievement focussed, sometimes they may prosecute the attack merely to obtain the success with out hold oning the proper significances or facts of the subject. After finishing a comprehensive research I once more consider myself an person who learns by carry oning multi-approaches. When I tend to larn a new subject I critically evaluate the affair to understand the facts from the root degree and so prosecute to larn. At the same clip, I map out how to finish the undertaking on clip to give the success. Therefore, I have come into a decision of sing myself a scholar who learns by uniting Deep and Strategic acquisition attacks.Group formation and development phasesBased on Huczynski & A ; Buchanan ( 2007 ) , Group comprises two or more people who have face-to-face interaction ; knows each other ; witting about their rank in the group ; every bit good as everyone is aware of their affirmatory sovereignty as they endeavour to achieve their success. Although there is no strict regulation of organizing the group but it should n't travel over more than 12 people, because the bigger the group, the more hard to pass on with group persons. Group chie fly two types: Formal group, which is task-oriented ; comprises an official construction with dedicated direction to achieve successes ; tends to be lasting ; and uses to execute company ‘s cumulative aims. Where as, Informal group is about opposite of formal group by definition ; it is usually form for societal assemblages. George Homans has offered a comprehensive account in his book The Human Group ( Homans, 1951 ) that the environment is one of the biggest factors of the formation of a group. Here, he indicated about behavior of the group persons about their activities every bit good as how good they communicate each other ; because it is really of import of holding an amicable environment in the group and common apprehension among group members to finish the undertaking with success. George Homans besides discussed in his book that a group will be more likely succeeded if some basic factors can be considered before organizing it. Such as, one: Background factors which focus on material-facility demands, cultural variegations, handiness of technological installations, undertaking ordinances and undertaking ‘s economical state of affairs. Two: Required and given behaviors which focus on some indispensable behavior that group members must hold for working in a group ; to finish the occupation on clip group persons must hold to carry on some regular undertakings pass oning with others following certain ordinances ; persons have to take part in the group with their ain involvement, demoing a ‘can bash ‘ attitude all the clip. Three: Emergent or existent behaviors which focus on some other behavioral actions that group persons carry out in add-on to aforesaid factors ; like, if group members have good interactions among themselves, they may dish the dirt each other to take ennui though it could be forbidden by the authorization ; or misinterpretation may originate in sentiments among group members which can make division in the group. In summery, in order to organize a well-performing group we should be sing above mentioned factors really carefully. Research by Bruce Tuckman and Mary Ann Jensen ‘s which suggests a formal group ‘s development occurs in five phases ( Tuckman, 1965 ; Tuckman and Jensen, 1977 ) . The phases are: Forming, an initiation phase when persons hardly know each other, therefore they are largely occupied detecting about one another ‘s attitudes and backgrounds. Besides they try to happen out more about the regulations and ordinances of the undertaking. Storming, the most hostile phase when people try to happen their suited group, seek to act upon others, happen clangs between pick and suitableness of undertaking docket ; which may prosecute struggle with the authorization. Norming, the structured phase when group persons know their allocated undertakings, to execute the undertakings decently they start developing a common trust and good family among them. Performing, at this phase group persons largely occupied in problem-solving and working hard to accomplish the end on clip based on the a lready-formed construction. Adjourning, it is the reasoning phase when the group may recess due to task completion.Issues in group work and effectual solutionsAfter a thorough research on ‘group ‘ definition, formation theory and phases of group development countries, we have formed a formal group of seven students to carry through a class work and have undertaken twosome of group meetings to day of the month. We have considered assorted factors before organizing the group ; such as, background factors which includes, set uping a regular meeting room in the university campus ; taking people from different geographical locations to convey diverseness ; guaranting some technological installations, like computing machine, projector and flipchart ; implementing a rigorous policy of attending in meeting and volitionally take parting in regular undertakings to complete it on clip ; eventually, organizing a common fund to raise money for disbursals, like, photocopy, printing or traveling for interviews. We have besides considered required and given behaviors every bit good as emergent or existent behaviors before organizing the group. In footings of phases of group development we have merely completed Forming and Storming phases. In organizing phase we introduced each other, found out attitudes, backgrounds, strengths and failings ; besides produce the docket of the undertakings every bit good as basic regulations and ordinances of the group. The feverish phase was ramping phase. Although we had an organized pronunciamento for the meeting, group members still came up with batch of inquiries about how to get down the undertaking, taking the sample ( administration ) for the undertaking, questions on already given regulations in Forming session, leading, undertaking allotment, time-management and so on. In malice of all those struggles, we managed to organize a formal construction at the terminal to intensify the group following degree, which is Norming pha se where we are anticipating to organize a common apprehension and chumminess to trip our activities towards the completion of the group work on clip. Our group activities will be reported more in inside informations in group study before the entry deadline. However, so far the issues we have come across in the group work are as follows: Issue: Communication, as the bulk of the group persons were from outside of the United Kingdom and English was n't their first linguistic communication. Solution: We have decided to utilize English at all the clip with a slow and clear tone as we can follow each other ‘s pronunciations ; we are sing this issue as another larning point from the group work. We are besides promoting one another inquiring inquiries if any ambiguity turns up in the treatment. Issue: Decision devising, a important affair that rose in the storming phase around the countries such as, leading, how to outset of the undertaking, undertaking allotment, regulations in the group and time-management. Solution: At the storming phase foremost, we have selected a project- leader utilizing democratic vote system with all group members ‘ blessing ; project leader will take the group through out the completion of the undertaking and all group persons for aid him out. Second, we have sketched a project-plan utilizing Gantt chart for time-management every bit good as undertaking continuance ; besides have implemented a clump of regulations in the group, for case, go toing in the group meeting on a regular footing, finishing group undertaking on clip, maintaining amicable relationships with each other, 0 tolerance of any racism or intimidation activities in the group and we have decided to follow â€Å" dainty others, the manner you want to be treated †. And eventually, we have conducted single undertakings distributions utilizing group members ‘ common involvement. Issue: In inquiry of ‘how to command the group activities ‘ and ‘using leading power ‘ we discussed among the group for a common solution. Solution: As ‘controlling ‘ is a critical portion of direction procedure and to actuate persons and to accomplish ends, we have given an excess attention to do this happen by implementing rigorous regulations as I mentioned earlier, besides leader will supervise the activities really closely all the clip. Again, in respects of ‘using leading power ‘ , we have agreed that leader will non set about any determination without bulk of the group members ‘ consent ; because bulk of the group members ‘ reserve the power to take a new leader, if necessary. In future group-activities, if there any other issues originate, those will be dealt on the virtue of the job.DecisionTo reason, this essay has clearly defined my motive of taking portion in Masters Degree programme at Bangor get downing with a brief background refering my household surroundings, personality and ideal work-environment ; which I have mentioned to demo how those elements could impact upon person ‘s motive. Then with coaction of assorted motive theories, ( such as, content theory, anticipation theory and occupation enrichment theory ) I have critically justified what motivated me for Masters Degree. After that I have drawn an attending on my acquisition manners and attacks utilizing an affectional acquisition rhythm. Subsequently on, I have focused on group formation and group development phases, as I will be taking portion in a group work merely after finishing this essay. In group formation and development phases, I have concentrated on assorted factors, ( such as, background factors, required and given behaviors and emergent or existent behavior ) which are really important elements to believe about earlier organizing a formal group. Those factors we have brought into consideration while organizing our group for following group work. Then I have focussed on group development phases ( organizing, ramping, norming, executing and recessing ) and have mentioned the current phase of our group. Finally, I have pointed out the issues and effectual solutions that I have already experienced while organizing our group for carry oning the group class work.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Marketing Creates Customer Needs Essay
Marketing creates customer needs. The following paper will elucidate how consumers are made not born. Marketing entices customers to try new products or do new things that they may never have thought of before. Commercialism is everywhere you turn. From the glossy ads, pop ups on their computer screen, billboards, emails, tweets, radio, television, telemarketers, etc. You can’t get away from advertising wherever you go. The marketers would not be continuing if it was not so successful in getting people to buy more of what they are selling. The following paragraphs will give examples of successful marketing advertisement campaigns and how they were effective. According to Forbes, for advertising to be effective it needs to be: memorable, connect with the consumer by delivering a person meaningful message that tells them how their product would make their life a better place, stand for values beyond the product itself, and be intricately tied to the brand not to be confused with the competitor. (Greewald, 2014). The article gives several examples of successful ad campaigns. First, the Red Bull gives you wings campaign. The ads are inspirational telling consumers if you use our product you will do everything better from studying to doing your job better. It empowers people and gets them to relate to the product. Next, the Beats Dr. Dre advertising campaign. The advertisements tell the consumer that by wearing these headphones you will be able to overcome your critics and be empowered to believe in yourself. They depict athlete Kevin Garnett blocking out his critics and allowing him to focus on positive thoughts and the music he loves. Both advertisements connect with the consumer on a psychological level. They focus on you relating to our needs to do better and finding greatness in ourselves. It is what most of us tell ourselves every day- don’t listen to the people that are our critics and believe in yourself. Find greatness and believe in yourself sounds more like a motivational s peaker however it works to connect the consumer to the product. According to Forbes both campaigns met all the aspects to be effective. Both these products are not necessary for humans to survive. Both products are considered a want not a need. The advertisers have convinced students far and wide to drink Red Bull because it will help you concentrate more and be successful. We all survived before without these products. They have successfully changed the mindset of consumers who now believe the opposite that they now can’t survive without them. One of the most successful marketing campaigns has been Apples’ I Phones. Hundreds of people stand in line when their newest product becomes available. Everywhere you look people have an I Phone. It is a sign of stature to have the state-of-the- art technology which includes the latest and greatest that Apple has to offer. It has become an item people can’t live without. I lost my I phone for 24 hours and thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. All my personal information, contacts, bank card information is all in the one little phone. I can’t remember any of my important phone numbers anymore because I don’t need to – they are all in the phone. They have made it irreplaceable in our day to day living. This is the ultimate in marketing and sales of a product. I lived 36 years without ever having a cellular phone and survived just fine. Now I see 8 year olds with I phones calling their friends and tweeting! Marketing provides a value to business in that it helps showcase their products and engage consumers in purchasing them. The value to society is that some of these products may make our lives easier and we can benefit from them. In conclusion, I believe that marketing creates a need we didn’t know existed until they showed us their fabulous products. They connect with us, make us believe that what they are offering will improve our lives and are necessary for our existence. I agree that marketers encourage consumers to spend money they do not have on non-essential items. So many Americans have credit card debt. The average American household has nearly $7000 of credit card debt as of December 2013. (Credit Card Debt Statistics, 2013). We continue to spend money on things we don’t really need with money we don’t have. It is a vicious cycle for many Americans that leave them broke and in some instances homeless. References: Credit Card Debt Statistics. (2013). Credit Card Debt Statistics. Greewald, M. (2014, July 10). Secrets of 7 of the Most Effective Ad Campaigns.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Geography of Arizona & Facts About the 48th State
Geography of Arizona & Facts About the 48th State Population: 6,595,778 (2009 estimate)Capital: PhoenixBordering States: California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New MexicoLand Area: 113,998 square miles (295,254 sq km)Highest Point: Humphreys Peak at 12,637 feet (3,851 m)Lowest Point: Colorado River at 70 feet (22 m)Arizona is a state located in the southwestern United States. It became a part of the U.S. as the 48th state (the last of the contiguous states) to be admitted into the Union on February 14, 1912. Today Arizona is known for its varied landscape, national parks, desert climate and the Grand Canyon. Arizona has recently been in the news due to its stringent and controversial policies on illegal immigration. 10 Geographic Facts About Arizona The first Europeans to explore the Arizona region were the Spanish in 1539. In the 1690s and early 1700s, several Spanish missions were established in the state and Spain established Tubac in 1752 and Tucson in 1775 as presidios. In 1812, when Mexico achieved its independence from Spain, Arizona became a part of Alta California. However with the Mexican-American War in 1847, the area of present-day Arizona was given up and it eventually became a part of the Territory of New Mexico.In 1863, Arizona became territory after New Mexico seceded from the Union two years earlier. The new Arizona Territory consisted of the western part of New Mexico.Throughout the rest of the 1800s and into the 1900s, Arizona began to grow as people moved into the area, including Mormon settlers who founded the cities of Mesa, Snowflake, Heber and Stafford. In 1912, Arizona became the 48th state to enter the Union.Following its entry into the Union, Arizona continued to grow and cotton farming and copper mini ng became the states two largest industries. After World War II, the state grew even more with the development of air conditioning and tourism to the states national parks also increased. In addition, retirement communities began to develop and today, the state is one of the most popular for people of retirement age on the West Coast. Today, Arizona is one of the fastest growing states in the U.S. and the Phoenix area alone has over four million residents. The total population of Arizona is hard to determine however because of its large number of illegal immigrants. Some estimates claim that illegal immigrants make up 7.9% of the states population.Arizona is considered one of the Four Corner states and it is best known for its desert landscape and highly varied topography. High mountains and plateaus cover more than half of the state and the Grand Canyon, which was carved over millions of years by the Colorado River, is a popular tourist destinations.Like its topography, Arizona also has a varied climate, though much of the state is considered desert with mild winters and very hot summers. Phoenix for instance has an average July high of 106.6ËšF (49.4ËšC) and a January average low of 44.8ËšF (7.1ËšC). By contrast, Arizonas higher elevations often have milder summers and very cold winters. Flagstaff for ex ample has a January average low of 15.3ËšF (-9.28ËšC) and a July average high of 97ËšF (36ËšC). Thunderstorms are also common throughout much of the state. Because of its desert landscape, Arizona mainly has vegetation that can be classified as xerophytes - these are plants like cactus that use little water. The mountain ranges however have forested areas and Arizona is home to the larges stand of Ponderosa pine trees in the world.In addition to the Grand Canyon and its desert landscape, Arizona is known as having one of the best preserved meteorite impact sites in the world. The Barringer Meteorite Crater is about 25 miles (40 km) west of Winslow, Az. and is almost one mile (1.6 km) wide and 570 feet (170 m) deep.Arizona is one state in the U.S. (along with Hawaii) that does not observe Daylight Saving Time.To learn more about Arizona, visit the states official website. (n.d.). Arizona: History, Geography, Population and State Facts- Retrieved from: (24 July 2010). Arizona - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Not All Iron Is Magnetic (Magnetic Elements)
Not All Iron Is Magnetic (Magnetic Elements) Heres an element factoid for you: Not all iron is magnetic. The a allotrope is magnetic, yet when the temperature increases so that the a form changes to the b form, the magnetism disappears even though the lattice doesnt change. Key Takeaways: Not All Iron Is Magnetic Most people think of iron as a magnetic material. Iron is ferromagnetic (attracted to magnets), but only within a certain temperature range and other specific conditions.Iron is magnetic in its ÃŽ ± form. The ÃŽ ± form occurs below a special temperature called the Curie point, which is 770Â Â °C. Iron is paramagnetic above this temperature and only weakly attracted to a magnetic field.Magnetic materials consist of atoms with partially-filled electron shells. So, most magnetic materials are metals. Other magnetic elements include nickel and cobalt.Nonmagnetic (diamagnetic) metals include copper, gold, and silver. Why Iron Is Magnetic (Sometimes) Ferromagnetism is the mechanism by which materials are attracted to magnets and form permanent magnets. The word actually means iron-magnetism because that is the most familiar example of the phenomenon and the one scientists first studied. Ferromagnetism is a quantum mechanical property of a material. It depends on its microstructure and crystalline state, which can be affected by temperature and composition. The quantum mechanical property is determined by the behavior of electrons. Specifically, a substance needs a magnetic dipole moment in order to be a magnet, which comes from atoms with partially-filled electron shells. Atoms will filled electron shells are not magnetic because they have a net dipole moment of zero. Iron and other transition metals have partially-filled electrons shells, so some of these elements and their compounds are magnetic. In atoms of magnetic elements nearly all of the dipoles align below a special temperature called the Curie point. For iron, the Curie point occurs at 770Â Â °C. Below this temperature, iron is ferromagnetic (strongly attracted to a magnet), but above it the iron changes its crystalline structure and become paramagnetic (only weakly attacted to a magnet). Other Magnetic Elements Iron isnt the only element that displays magnetism. Nickel, cobalt, gadolinium, terbium, and dysprosium are also ferromagnetic. As with iron, the magnetic properties of these elements depends on their crystal structure and whether the metal is below its Curie point. ÃŽ ±-iron, cobalt, and nickel are ferromagnetic, while ÃŽ ³-iron, manganese, and chromium are antiferromagnetic. Lithium gas is magnetic when cooled below 1 kelvin. Under certain condition, manganese, the actinides (e.g., plutonium and neptunium), and ruthenium are ferromagnetic. While magnetism most often occurs in metals, it also occurs rarely in nonmetals. Liquid oxygen, for example, may be trapped between the poles of a magnet! Oxygen has unpaired electrons, allowing it to react to a magnet. Boron is another nonmetal that displays paramagnetic attraction greater than its diamagnetic repulsion. Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Steel Steel is an iron-based alloy. Most forms of steel, including stainless steel, are magnetic. There are two broad types of stainless steels which display different crystal lattice structures from one another. Ferritic stainless steels are iron-chromium alloys that are ferromagnetic at room temperature. While normally unmagnetized, ferritic steel become magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field and remain magnetized for some time after the magnet is removed. The metal atoms in ferritic stainless steel are arranged in a body-centered (bcc) lattic. Austenitic stainless steels tend to be nonmagnetic. These steels contain atoms arranged in a face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice. The most popular type of stainless steel, Type 304, contains iron, chromium, and nickel (each magnetic on its own). Yet, atoms in this alloy usually have the fcc lattice structure, resulting in a nonmagnetic alloy. Type 304 does become partly ferromagnetic if the steel is bent at room temperature. Metals That Arent Magnetic While some metals are magnetic, most are not. Key examples include copper, gold, silver, lead, aluminum, tin, titanium, zinc, and bismuth. These elements and their alloys are diamagnetic. Nonmagnetic alloys include brass and bronze. These metals weakly repel magnets, but not usually enough that the effect is noticeable. Carbon is a strongly diamagnetic nonmetal. In fact, some types of graphite repel magnets strongly enough to levitate a strong magnet. Source Devine, Thomas. Why dont magnets work on some stainless steels? Scientific American.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Compare and Contrast Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Compare and Contrast Religion - Essay Example Christian Theism is the classical Christian philosophy of 17th century. The word â€Å"theism†is derived from the Greek word â€Å"theos†which means God. The word was first used in this context by Mr. Ralph Cudworth in the 17th Century. Literally speaking, Christian Theism is, in fact, propagation of Monotheism which means that there is only one God. Many argue that Christian Theism is based on Judaism, the Pagan Gods and the old Greek philosophy but this is disputed and, to a large extent, a matter of opinion. The first two attributes, when read together gives an apparently contradictory yet interwoven understanding of God. Theism defines God to be personal – which means God has characteristics of a human being. Hence God thinks and acts like a human being, takes interest and is involved in the activities of his creations – that is our universe and us, human beings. At the same time, God is also perceived as infinite and transcendent and therefore one can never truly understand or comprehend his nature. As Sire (2004) frames it â€Å"This means that he is beyond scope, beyond measure, as far as we are concerned........All else is secondary†(Sire,â€Å"The Universe Next Door†,2004).Theism also defines God to be omnipresent – and thereby always aware of what is happening in this world. God is, hence, present in everything but not the thing itself. And God is also perceived to be good and thereby all his actions are for the good of human beings. This philosophy throws up some interesting thinking and concepts. This inherently assumes that the world is logical and has a co-relation between cause and effect. God has created an underlying order into the universe and therefore the world and the universe is meaningful. Though not a defined Christian Theist, perhaps the best expression of this concept was uttered by Mr. Albert Einstein when he said â€Å"You believe in the god who plays dice, and I in complete law and order
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