Monday, November 11, 2019
My Personality And Educational Background Education Essay
IntroductionThis essay will ab initio pull a secret plan on my personality and educational background, subsequently on it will concentrate on what motivated me to analyze the Masters Degree at Bangor Business School consisting assorted motive theories. Learning manners and attacks will bespeak the manner I will larn to carry through the top accomplishment in the grade. I will set about a group coursework following this assignment, therefore I will draw out all bing every bit good as possible issues that may originate in the group work and will bespeak effectual and possible solutions. Finally I will pull a decision.BackdropStudy is one my favorite avocations. The household surroundings I have been raising up could non offer a great sum of wealth but encouraged me going ambitious for being Highly Educated. In 2003, after completing ‘A ‘level from Bangladesh I got admitted in Sunderland University and obtained BSC in Computer Applications. In June 2006 I started my first ca lling in a medium sized package house as a alumnus IT coder. Boredom caught me overnight due to luck of societal ambiance in that profession except interaction with machines. And as an extrovert individual, I enjoy societal interactions non merely in personal life but besides at work-place ; desire to ‘work with pleasance ‘ and eager to pursuit imaginativenesss in gesture. ( Eysenck ( 1970, 1990 ) ) After carry throughing a thoughtful consideration, I determined my future calling in banking sector as I ever had a acute involvement in the economic system, the concern and finance universe in general. Besides I gathered experience while analyzing in Sunderland University, from a short term employment at Barclays Bank Plc where I found a societal touch of mixing with new people and discovered my superb interpersonal and communicating accomplishments ; which trigger my purpose of fall ining Nationwide, the largest edifice society in the universe ( History ( Nationwide Building Society, 2010 ) ) , in January 2007. Since so I have been carry oning assorted managerial functions with great successes ; and late I have started gaining a concern & A ; direction oriented Masters Degree making can pitch up my calling in banking sector even further.Motivation factors to analyze the Masters Degree at Bangor UniversityHarmonizing to Huczynski & A ; Buchanan ( 2007 ) , human motive can be influen ced from assorted discrete but related positions. It is a cognitive decision-making procedure to take a end ; to accomplish that desired end our behaviors ever force, as we born with some unconditioned biological equipment. Such as, thrusts which are outstanding demands for being, which involve of holding O, H2O, nutrient, shelter, heat, and sex. Likewise some other demands can besides be categorised as thrusts after carry throughing innate demands which includes avidity for geting cognition, aspiration, love, and passion. These demands besides can drive a individual carry oning assorted hard undertakings. In my context, likewise other demands in thrusts class, avidity for geting cognition and being ambitious for highest making had driven me one time to go abroad in young person and same inherent aptitude encouraged me one time once more to get even higher making at Bangor. The aforesaid construct will be clearer by Maslow ‘s ( 1943 ) Content theory of Motivation which focuses on what ends persons seek and so provides agencies to accomplish those desired results. Content theory describes nine different types of motivations or demands, which drive persons to accomplish their ends. Those demands are categorised as biological, safety, association, esteem, cognizing and understanding, aesthetics, transcendency, freedom of question and look, and self-actualization. Notably, esteem and self-actualization demands encourage an person for being confident to develop his full potency. Taking Maslow ‘s Content theory into history, I strongly see myself, an person who is motivated by the influence of self-esteem and self-actualization, and who has utmost assurance and avidity to boom his full potency in existent. Therefore, my apprehension was taking an admittance in Bangor University in MBA in Banking and finance would carry through my expected end and would din my potency. There is a adage â€Å" taking right determination in right minute is another cardinal component to accomplish ends †. ‘Why people choose to accomplish certain ends? ‘ the reply will be ‘cognitive-decision doing procedure influences us to take the ends, since we are purposive in nature ‘ . Based on Vroom ‘s ( 1964 ) , Expectancy theory of motive which explains person ‘s behavior is driven by outlook. And outlook work in concurrence with high value of expected result. Correspondingly, a high outlook of accomplishing a top making every bit good as huge cognition in a specific country ( e.g. banking and finance ) , enormously influenced me to fall in in a Masters Programme at Bangor University, such a well-reputed establishment. Finally, societal influence is another major factor that motivates persons towards a end to accomplish. Based on Herzberg ‘s ( 1966, 1968 ) occupation enrichment theory of motive which focuses on how satisfaction influences an person to be motivated. In this theory two basic elements are widely discussed. One, intrinsic wagess are valued results which are controlled by single, such as feelings of satisfaction and victory. The intrinsic wages we can obtain by executing our expected activities. For case, some people like adventuresome and electrifying activities, such as mountain mounting, Bungee-jumping, sky-diving and so on ; those people volitionally perform such hazardous and dangerous activities for their ain pleasance. Most of the clip, the same doctrine is being followed by some other persons ; like, scientists, poets, writers, instrumentalists, and painters. I wholly comply with aforesaid theory in my personal context. For case, if I can finish the Masters Degree accompli shing expected consequence ( for illustration, differentiation ) , I will be mentally blessed of believing my all difficult plants have been paid off. This cherished feeling may trip my motive one time once more to prosecute myself for even farther faculty member every bit good as calling patterned advance, as it occurred before choosing Masters Programme at Bangor. Two, Extrinsic wagess are valued results within the control of others, such as acknowledgment, improvement and money. In my state of affairs, a concern related Masters Degree can speed up my calling patterned advance, and for non holding a concern background, my farther calling patterned advance in banking industry was in inquiry. Once I realised this affair I was intentionally believing of supplying a span across my experience and instruction. This realization steadfastly motivated me taking portion into MBA in Banking and Finance at Bangor University to run up in future calling ; which would offer me extrinsic wagess i n close hereafter such as, better calling chance, publicity, higher wage, celebrity, etc.Personal Learning manners and attacksHarmonizing to Huczynski & A ; Buchanan ( 2007 ) , Learning is the procedure of achieving cognition thorough experience which leads to a defying alteration in behavior. In psychological science, acquisition is one of the most fundamental every bit good as argumentative subjects. Because it is really hard to explicate ‘how do we larn ‘ , we can non see what goes indoors our caput, but it merely reflects when our behavior alterations. Besides sometimes, experiences may be the agencies of behavior alterations. On the other manus, our apprehensions are in a changeless province of development. We can larn things from milieus without recognizing that we have merely leant. It in my context, the first twenty-four hours when I moved in Bangor, I was non cognizant of about the university location, locations of talk theaters, how to register for the class. B ut in the really short period of clip, I managed to larn everything from milieus and experiences. Peoples ‘s larning manner varies, but there is a common acquisition rhythm called, ‘Kolb ‘s Learning Cycle ‘ , ab initio proposed by Kurt Lewin ( 1946, reproduced in 1948 ) , a German-american psychologist who got that thought from control technology, which subsequently on popularised by David Kolb ( 1984 ) . This Learning Cycle comprises four correlative elements demoing how people learn new things. One: people gain experiences from assorted happenings, two: every bit shortly as happening occurred people start detecting ; which reflects in their head repeatedly, three: so people start bring forthing general constructs of that happening, four: eventually people use already-gained constructs or experiences for future experiment. Again people have different manners to follow with aforesaid larning rhythm. Based on Kolb ‘s ( 1984 ) work, Honey and Mumford ( 1986 ) developed a Learning Style Questionnaire. Using that research questionnaire they identified four different acquisition manners which vary single wise. One: Militant, who ever eager to larn something new, two: Reflector, who wants to take clip and believe about the subject before larning anything new, three: Theorist, who wants to calculate out the correlativity between old and new constructs before acquisition, four: Pragmatist, who wants to experiment the subject before larning anything new utilizing already-gained experiences. ( See Figure-1 ) Figure-1: The Lewinian Experiential Learning Model ( after Kolb, 1984, p21 ) with the linked Honey and Mumford Learning Styles in italics ( Honey and Mumford, 1986 ) ( Learning Styles ( The Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre, 2010 ) ) After researching on Kolb ‘s Learning Cycle in concurrence with Honey and Mumford ‘s Learning Styles, I consider myself a scholar who learns utilizing multi-styles. For case, I am an empirical scholar who largely learns from experience and ever eager to larn something new as an Activist ; however I take clip and believe about the subject before larning, like a Reflector ; so I start bring forthing basic constructs before tilting anything new, like a Theorist ; and eventually I would wish to experiment the new subject based on my already-gained constructs in real-life scenario before larning, like a Pragmatist. In inquiry of ‘learning attacks ‘ , based on Biggs ( 1999 ) and Butler ( 1993 ; 1994 ; 1995 ) research, there are three different sort of attacks to larning. One: Surface attack that involves implicitly larning the fact and memorizing it without minimizing the significance, which frequently leads desultory when reproduces the similar subject for appraisal. Two: Deep attack to larning that involves critical rating and good understanding the grass-root of the fact in concurrence with empirical constructs as person can decide if any different contexts arise. In a sense, Deep learners ever seek for the significance ; therefore it offers a life-long apprehension of the fact. Three: Strategic attack ( SCL ; Butler, 1993 ; 1994 ; 1995 ) to larning involves utilizing an organized manner to finish the undertaking on clip and accomplishing expected success. As Strategic scholars are ever achievement focussed, sometimes they may prosecute the attack merely to obtain the success with out hold oning the proper significances or facts of the subject. After finishing a comprehensive research I once more consider myself an person who learns by carry oning multi-approaches. When I tend to larn a new subject I critically evaluate the affair to understand the facts from the root degree and so prosecute to larn. At the same clip, I map out how to finish the undertaking on clip to give the success. Therefore, I have come into a decision of sing myself a scholar who learns by uniting Deep and Strategic acquisition attacks.Group formation and development phasesBased on Huczynski & A ; Buchanan ( 2007 ) , Group comprises two or more people who have face-to-face interaction ; knows each other ; witting about their rank in the group ; every bit good as everyone is aware of their affirmatory sovereignty as they endeavour to achieve their success. Although there is no strict regulation of organizing the group but it should n't travel over more than 12 people, because the bigger the group, the more hard to pass on with group persons. Group chie fly two types: Formal group, which is task-oriented ; comprises an official construction with dedicated direction to achieve successes ; tends to be lasting ; and uses to execute company ‘s cumulative aims. Where as, Informal group is about opposite of formal group by definition ; it is usually form for societal assemblages. George Homans has offered a comprehensive account in his book The Human Group ( Homans, 1951 ) that the environment is one of the biggest factors of the formation of a group. Here, he indicated about behavior of the group persons about their activities every bit good as how good they communicate each other ; because it is really of import of holding an amicable environment in the group and common apprehension among group members to finish the undertaking with success. George Homans besides discussed in his book that a group will be more likely succeeded if some basic factors can be considered before organizing it. Such as, one: Background factors which focus on material-facility demands, cultural variegations, handiness of technological installations, undertaking ordinances and undertaking ‘s economical state of affairs. Two: Required and given behaviors which focus on some indispensable behavior that group members must hold for working in a group ; to finish the occupation on clip group persons must hold to carry on some regular undertakings pass oning with others following certain ordinances ; persons have to take part in the group with their ain involvement, demoing a ‘can bash ‘ attitude all the clip. Three: Emergent or existent behaviors which focus on some other behavioral actions that group persons carry out in add-on to aforesaid factors ; like, if group members have good interactions among themselves, they may dish the dirt each other to take ennui though it could be forbidden by the authorization ; or misinterpretation may originate in sentiments among group members which can make division in the group. In summery, in order to organize a well-performing group we should be sing above mentioned factors really carefully. Research by Bruce Tuckman and Mary Ann Jensen ‘s which suggests a formal group ‘s development occurs in five phases ( Tuckman, 1965 ; Tuckman and Jensen, 1977 ) . The phases are: Forming, an initiation phase when persons hardly know each other, therefore they are largely occupied detecting about one another ‘s attitudes and backgrounds. Besides they try to happen out more about the regulations and ordinances of the undertaking. Storming, the most hostile phase when people try to happen their suited group, seek to act upon others, happen clangs between pick and suitableness of undertaking docket ; which may prosecute struggle with the authorization. Norming, the structured phase when group persons know their allocated undertakings, to execute the undertakings decently they start developing a common trust and good family among them. Performing, at this phase group persons largely occupied in problem-solving and working hard to accomplish the end on clip based on the a lready-formed construction. Adjourning, it is the reasoning phase when the group may recess due to task completion.Issues in group work and effectual solutionsAfter a thorough research on ‘group ‘ definition, formation theory and phases of group development countries, we have formed a formal group of seven students to carry through a class work and have undertaken twosome of group meetings to day of the month. We have considered assorted factors before organizing the group ; such as, background factors which includes, set uping a regular meeting room in the university campus ; taking people from different geographical locations to convey diverseness ; guaranting some technological installations, like computing machine, projector and flipchart ; implementing a rigorous policy of attending in meeting and volitionally take parting in regular undertakings to complete it on clip ; eventually, organizing a common fund to raise money for disbursals, like, photocopy, printing or traveling for interviews. We have besides considered required and given behaviors every bit good as emergent or existent behaviors before organizing the group. In footings of phases of group development we have merely completed Forming and Storming phases. In organizing phase we introduced each other, found out attitudes, backgrounds, strengths and failings ; besides produce the docket of the undertakings every bit good as basic regulations and ordinances of the group. The feverish phase was ramping phase. Although we had an organized pronunciamento for the meeting, group members still came up with batch of inquiries about how to get down the undertaking, taking the sample ( administration ) for the undertaking, questions on already given regulations in Forming session, leading, undertaking allotment, time-management and so on. In malice of all those struggles, we managed to organize a formal construction at the terminal to intensify the group following degree, which is Norming pha se where we are anticipating to organize a common apprehension and chumminess to trip our activities towards the completion of the group work on clip. Our group activities will be reported more in inside informations in group study before the entry deadline. However, so far the issues we have come across in the group work are as follows: Issue: Communication, as the bulk of the group persons were from outside of the United Kingdom and English was n't their first linguistic communication. Solution: We have decided to utilize English at all the clip with a slow and clear tone as we can follow each other ‘s pronunciations ; we are sing this issue as another larning point from the group work. We are besides promoting one another inquiring inquiries if any ambiguity turns up in the treatment. Issue: Decision devising, a important affair that rose in the storming phase around the countries such as, leading, how to outset of the undertaking, undertaking allotment, regulations in the group and time-management. Solution: At the storming phase foremost, we have selected a project- leader utilizing democratic vote system with all group members ‘ blessing ; project leader will take the group through out the completion of the undertaking and all group persons for aid him out. Second, we have sketched a project-plan utilizing Gantt chart for time-management every bit good as undertaking continuance ; besides have implemented a clump of regulations in the group, for case, go toing in the group meeting on a regular footing, finishing group undertaking on clip, maintaining amicable relationships with each other, 0 tolerance of any racism or intimidation activities in the group and we have decided to follow â€Å" dainty others, the manner you want to be treated †. And eventually, we have conducted single undertakings distributions utilizing group members ‘ common involvement. Issue: In inquiry of ‘how to command the group activities ‘ and ‘using leading power ‘ we discussed among the group for a common solution. Solution: As ‘controlling ‘ is a critical portion of direction procedure and to actuate persons and to accomplish ends, we have given an excess attention to do this happen by implementing rigorous regulations as I mentioned earlier, besides leader will supervise the activities really closely all the clip. Again, in respects of ‘using leading power ‘ , we have agreed that leader will non set about any determination without bulk of the group members ‘ consent ; because bulk of the group members ‘ reserve the power to take a new leader, if necessary. In future group-activities, if there any other issues originate, those will be dealt on the virtue of the job.DecisionTo reason, this essay has clearly defined my motive of taking portion in Masters Degree programme at Bangor get downing with a brief background refering my household surroundings, personality and ideal work-environment ; which I have mentioned to demo how those elements could impact upon person ‘s motive. Then with coaction of assorted motive theories, ( such as, content theory, anticipation theory and occupation enrichment theory ) I have critically justified what motivated me for Masters Degree. After that I have drawn an attending on my acquisition manners and attacks utilizing an affectional acquisition rhythm. Subsequently on, I have focused on group formation and group development phases, as I will be taking portion in a group work merely after finishing this essay. In group formation and development phases, I have concentrated on assorted factors, ( such as, background factors, required and given behaviors and emergent or existent behavior ) which are really important elements to believe about earlier organizing a formal group. Those factors we have brought into consideration while organizing our group for following group work. Then I have focussed on group development phases ( organizing, ramping, norming, executing and recessing ) and have mentioned the current phase of our group. Finally, I have pointed out the issues and effectual solutions that I have already experienced while organizing our group for carry oning the group class work.
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